从自己的立场来看,川普的竞选气场确比较积极一些,主要思路还是在解决问题,而且是比较实际的措施。但也担心川普这种竞选策略尤其是关于covid病毒的定论,让海外华人的处境比较尴尬。不过,从他的2nd term agenda 来看,重点应该是恢复美国经济。
以下是9月22日在Pennsylvania Moon Township 拉票演讲的部分原话:
“In a second term. I will provide school choice to every parent in America. A vote for Republicans is a vote for Safe Communities, great jobs and a limitless future for all Americans. All Americans, race, color creed, all in that, so in conclusion, over the next four years we will make America into the manufacturing superpower of the world and we will end our reliance on China once and for all.
We will make our medical supplies right here in the United States right here in Pennsylvania. We will hire more police, increase penalties for assaults on law enforcement and we will ban deadly sanctuary cities, we ban, we will defend the dignity of work and the sanctity of life. Thank you. We will uphold religious liberty, free speech and the right to keep and bear arms.
We will strike down terrorists who threaten our citizens and we will keep America out of endless ridiculous, stupid foreign wars. We lose our youth to countries that you'd never even heard of right, never even heard of them. We will maintain America's unrivaled military might and we will ensure peace through strength.
另外,昨天各大主媒发表标题为“ Trump won't commit to peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election"的文章。我目前没有查到任何相关采访视频。个人觉得,在美国,按照宪法,和平移交政权应该没有太大悬念。但是,身边已经很多人开始觉得有不安全了,担心大选之后如果民主党败选后各种riots会继续上演。
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. 对很多人来说, 川普是否”能干“不是看点。 他很多能干的地方不符合我们的价值观甚至直接威胁美国人尤其是新移民的前途, 那就是越能干越糟糕。肯定不选他。等民主党上台后再敲打民主党各种不良政策。 反正现在大法官已经偏向保守,不担心民主党能搞得多坏, 只担心共和党, 尤其是极右派共和党走向极端。
问话和回答都是有context的。感觉一般情况下,提问的人(尤其政治敏感问题)记者一般都是非常有用心的,“Win, lose, or draw in this election, will you commit here today for a peaceful transfer of power after the election?" 川普没有直接回答,而是反复提到担心mail-in ballots有问题。视频里的记者非常执着地要答案,仔细读这句问话,前提假设有三种--赢,输或平局,提问是一个closed question. 再想一下,如果记者的预测是第一种和第三种,后面这个封闭式的问题就不用问了吧。所以,记者应该是提前预测第二种结局,可是选票还没开始计算呢。可以看出,记者的问题确实是精心考虑过的。