When the seven bullets from Officer Sheskey’s gun were fired at Mr. Blake, I was driving by Kenosha, Wisconsin through I-94. All highway exits leading to the city were blocked by police cars. “It looks a big deal,” I said to myself, thinking of all the unconventionalities we’ve had in the year of rat. It all started with an abrupt WeChat message from China before Christmas. There was a corona virus? Something I happened to skip 17 years ago.
2020 is a year of paradoxes
作为少数族裔争取自身权利,黑人民权运动最值得美国华人运动学习的东西,就是黑人民权运动一直在产生思想。我们可以从不久以前说起。2015年,一本书名为《between the world and me》获得National Book Award。这本一百多页的书,被写成一封信的形式,一个美国黑人父亲写给自己15岁的儿子的信。这封信的内容,是grim warning from a father to his grown up son,美国梦不存在,white supremacy在美国是根深蒂固的。该书的作者 Ta-Nehisi Coates,以其多部畅销书,为BLM提供了思想奠基。
Coates对于种族问题的思想,源于他的两位前辈,James Baldwin和W.E.B. DuBois。Baldwin比MLK大五岁,他在1965年出版的《The Fire Next Time》也是一封写给15岁黑人男孩的信,这成为MLK时代黑人民权运动的思想之作。Coates的书就是受到这本书启发写成的。再往前追溯27年,DuBois的一本《Black Reconstruction》则是唤醒美国黑人民权意识的启蒙思想,该书收录于美国国家文献(The Great American Documents)。
国家的存在,就决定了这个世界不可能有公平。消灭国家,无论大小,才有可能建立国际的公平。这个时候,就疫情管理来比较国家间的优劣,不再具有的意义。很显然,任何国家的抗疫成功都不能叫做成功。全人类的成功才是真的成功。在疫情面前,人类既无法从专制严控上受益(止损罢了),也无法承担民主放纵所引发的痛苦。在两种政治体制越来越不遮拦的相互口角中,人类真的看不到,谁更比谁好多少。Both of them may have done some great work, but neither can clean its butt without a God’s hand。尤瓦尔●赫拉利的话,值得所有国家,所有领导人,以及所有良知的人们去思考。
Homo sapiens need a new story, and this plague has put it even more urgent。We have believed in national governments for so long。国家政权的存在,应该是让我们的生活免于危险和伤害。但在一个深度国际化的世界里,大疫面前,没有任何一个独立国家政权能够交出一张合格的答卷。疫情控制较好的方法,只有让人们失去生活的自由。而我们保留自由的代价,又是要失去太多的生命。在人类没有找到一种真正有效的全球化政治管理体制之前,就先双轨并存,东西分立,互通有无,和平共处吧。
回复 '雪白小兔' 的评论 : Today's young adults might know more than what we think they know. We today might just know less than what we think we know. There is ever growing share of college participation and degree in US population, but a stagnant productivity growth. The disparity between what we teach kids and what they need in real life.
回复 'tellmey' 的评论 : Man/Madam, when you argue against with another without supplying any evidence, you lose. Thanks for including your statement. 当你把川普在你心里大胜误解为他会在所有美国人心里大胜,你已经56%概率上错了。
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人口数量和结构还没能改变大选, Wait and see, 川普大胜