我在看昨天的辩论之前,留下这段话,以免我看后瞎评论:“在今晚瞩目的首场总统辩论前说些话,根据心理学的期望值或Expectation, 如果拜登今天表现正常,没有说老年痴呆的话,他就赢了今天的辩论。因为各方舆论都在预料他出丑,川普也灼灼逼人,一副必胜的势头。这让我回想到小布什和John Kerry的辩论前,媒体把Kerry标榜成神辩手,还去耶鲁采访他的教授,教授对Kerry美誉有加,问教授对小布什怎么看,答曰不记得有这位学生。结果首场辩论下来,小布什的表现not bad at all, 实质上小布什赢了辩论。Lowering your explanations is crucial here[Chuckle]”
我当过很多年的美国高中辩论裁判,川普这德行,我中场就判他输。 Chris Wallace昨天对川普也太nice了,完全就应该强行教训川普懂得基本做人的规矩,甚至不惜中断辩论都是可以理解的。Chris Wallace为哈佛校友,父亲Mike是美国传奇的电视节目《60分钟》的主持人,Chris可以说学业和教养都深厚。况且Chris Wallace是美国著名保守派电视Fox的主播,他的问题再怎么也看不出是专门帮自由派拜登的。但是Wallace对川普根本沒有办法,因为川普完全我行我素,这是他们的实际对话:
Wallace在辩论中专门对川普说: “The country would be better served if we allowed both people to speak with fewer interruptions,”; “I’m appealing to you, sir, to do that.” (大意:“如果我们双方都不怎么打断对方, 我们将会更好地为美国服务”;“先生,我特别期望你这样做”)
川普反击:“Well, and him, too,” (“但是,他,也应该”)
Wallace: “Well, frankly, you’ve been doing more interrupting,” (“直率地说,你打断得更多”)。
川普说:“But he does plenty,” (“但是他也做了不少”)
Wallace总结道:“No, less than you have,” (“不对,比你做得少”)
几乎在每次的二分钟不允许打断的陈述中,川普都打断拜登,很多次根本不可能让拜登说完话,拜登急了就用了个:“It's hard to get any word in with this clown,"(“面对这个小丑很难插进任何字”)。这样弄成Wallace成了沒带武器的警察,川普不是讲Law and Order吗?他在公共场合都视规章为儿戏,谁还听得进他作为总统所说的法制?即使Wallace去努力执行规则,川普的疯狂支持者们还称Wallace参与了辩论。
我觉得还好,他被两个无赖激怒了,如果更冷静就更好了.真正没有底线的是另两位。尤其chris wallace, 辱没了他爹 mike wallace的英名。chris wallace是一辩,白等是二辩,对方辩手川普一个,没有moderator
nasdaq100 发表评论于
BananaeEggs 发表评论于
lucky101 发表评论于
哈佛毕业的, 耶鲁家长。总听楼主说这亇。精英就绝对正确,哈哈哈!
nightrider 发表评论于
回复 'cng' 的评论 :
With charlatans like you claiming expertise in crystallography yet ignorant of basic trigonometry filling up fourth rate US colleges, who wants to pay to be conned?
nightrider 发表评论于
回复 '金玉屋' 的评论 :
Bravo! Well said!
nightrider 发表评论于
回复 'jeffthetiger' 的评论 :
It is not just about physical protection. By the way, viral infection is physical harm too, only that you cannot see the harm coming with your naked eyes. You are saying the fact that the US presidents are under the tightest security on the planet alone leads to they are safer than anyone else on the planet. I am saying your logic is wrong. There are two factors working against each other. Attack and protection. It is an arms race. President Ronald Reagan was shot in point blank range through the lung.
My previous counterexample has already refuted your argument: Someone who is a nobody living in the middle of nowhere on an island can easily stay unmolested by the corona virus and is safer than the President of the US.
Drawing a definitive conclusion from one factor alone like you did is ludicrous.
More specifically regarding the protection from the viral infection, it seems you are claiming intimate knowledge of how the Secret Service's procedures. Why don't you enlighten us of the protocols and let us see if they are water tight or riddled with holes?
what the Secret Service "does"!
......Secret Service only protects ......
回复 'jeffthetiger' 的评论 :
......what the Secret Service do.
......Secret Service only protect ......
jeffthetiger 发表评论于
【nightrider 发表评论于 2020-10-02 14:31:57 How much can "保安" do to a virus? 】
Seems you understand English but do not understand what security means and what the Secret Service do. Maybe you believe the Secret Service only protect the president from physical harm in which case you should go back and check again.
The US President is the biggest target in the world for all sorts of attacks, true. But this is true for the last 80 years or so. When was the last time a US President being attacked, and when was an ordinary American being attacked?
Give me a break!
路边的蒲公英 发表评论于
nightrider 发表评论于
How much can "保安" do to a virus? The US President is the biggest target in the world for all sorts of attacks and has the highest degree of contact with other human beings. Someone who is a nobody living in the middle of nowhere on an island can easily stay unmolested by the corona virus. How do you ever deduce "如果美国总统能中招,还有谁不能?" What ludicrosity!
"川普在辩论时完全就是个土匪的形象,根本不像是美国总统,连个有教养的人都够不上". Right, sir, speaking like a virtue signaling coward and ingrate. Instead of standing your own ground to protect your own family and properties like a real man as the McCloskey's and President Trump, you would prefer to act out your ideal of a well educated person and kneel like Biden to the invading 土匪 watching them pillaging through your home ravishing your family members.
Is this what you instill in the students you consult for Ivy League admissions and in your own son, cowardice and capitulation to vile intimidation and downright invasion of private properties? This must be your ideal model of a well bred and well educated elite personality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMqnbxs7Pf4
Excuse me, sir. 土匪? Who are the 土匪's? You must be having amnesia, sir. Have you forgotten the 土匪 who invaded your own neighbourhood? It was your neighbour the McCloskey's stood up against the 土匪 and protected you and your neighbours with their bravery and the threat of violent resistance. Would you have the guts to do the same even if the 土匪 physically barge into your house and harass even harm your wife and children? You probably t;hink the McCloskey's appearance resembles 土匪 more than the real 土匪 do? Are you going to accuse them too?
You did not even have the courage to call the true invading 土匪 土匪. In all your articles recounting the McCloskey's you never called BLM 土匪. You call President Trump 土匪 only because you will bear no adverse consequences.
So far I have not seen you showed any gratitude towards the McCloskey's. Maybe you have expressed it to them in private that you have not disclosed here. You had better do that. If you have not the courage to protect your own family and properties, the least you can do is to thank others who sacrifice their gentlemanly appearance doing it for you.
Biden is advocating for the 土匪's while Trump is fighting for you, sir! Let us have a sense of priority and a sense of right and wrong and show some gratitude, please.
You can tell that Trump indeed had bad night based on all the angry comments left by Trump supporters and all the excuses they found for their master....
Normally I would encourage my kids to watch presidential debate, but this year. will catch the VP debate though.
拜登不断骂川普是骗子、小丑、叫他闭嘴, 川普完全没有口出恶言,甚至没叫他sleepy Joe;
拜登率先在第三个问题时打断川普三次,he started it;
主持人多次让拜登超时发言,却在川普两分钟没到时打断他,甚至代拜登发言,so unfair;
整场辩论听不到拜登具体的执政计划,在很多问题上语无伦次,自相矛盾。What has he done in past 47 years, and what will he do in future?
Yes, I win! Thank you, president:)
就事论事^*^ 发表评论于
诚信 发表评论于
今天过我们族的节日, 不必为这件事争吵。
jqz88 发表评论于
To Jason 311. 咱们看事实说话,五月以来的打砸烧抢绝大部份发生在民主党控制的城市,而且当初暴乱份子用自制燃烧弹等攻击白宫,烧了白宫旁的教堂,媒体当时还幸灾乐祸说川普躲入白宫地下室。这才发生不久拜登就敢在debate 里脸都不红的说哪是peaceful protest, 以为全国人民都同他一样只有very short memory?
事实证明拜登及民主党才真的没有law and order. Chris 问拜登你有没有给西雅图和波特兰的民主党市长打电话让他们制止骚乱,拜登说 I don’t hold public position. 他不是民主党总统候选人人吗,至少可以表明态度不支持打砸烧抢,民主党在九月前都没明确表态遣责打砸烧抢,为了赢的选举这个党派做事极其无底线,试问我们敢让这样的人和党派来领导这个国家吗?