
In the course of justice none of us should seek salvation.
We do pray for mercy.
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Amy Coney Barrett 成为最高法院大法官后,最高法院以6:3的比例倾向保守派。如果Chief Justice John Roberts 不做出一些调整,在今后数十年中,不仅他在最高法院大法官中的领导地位变得无足轻重,而且,因为断案结果的可预测性,美国最高法院也将在美国三权分立的政府框架下成为一个符号, 或共和党/保守势力的橡皮图章,就如中国大陆的人民代表大会。
在执政的最后时刻,川普总统兑现了自己"打破 deep state 的传统体系"竞选承诺中的最大选项,将最高法院成变成为美国政治体系中的摆设,从而摧毁美国三权分立的政治架构达数十年之久。
"All President Trump did was feeding the groups of some greedy people three conservative Justices, which proved one too many, in return for their compromised votes despite his unbecoming behaviors, which had kept on piling up." History books would be saying thus with an unfavorable tone, in a century if not sooner.
