美国华裔联盟CAA 文学城公号开通
● 請每位川普支持者为总统争取 5 张选票!
● 加入我们的工作團隊, 在全美推广 "5 More Votes" 的活动!
● 成为摇摆州的电话志愿者
● 为总统竞选捐款, 发trump短信到88022.
我们华人开始了一个 "5 More Votes" 的活动: 請每位川普支持者为总统争取 5 张选票!
1.我们每位川普支持者,每人为总统争取 5张选票! 怎么做 ?
让我们从家人,朋友,邻居,同事,教会成员,运动伙伴,小孩保姆,理发师……中, 挑选几位:
● 尚未决定或中间偏左的人; 或
● 不打算投票的共和党川普支持者
和他们交谈,找出他们最关心,最重要的事情 (他们的担忧),例如:
● 法律与秩序; vs BLM, 打砸抢烧,(Law & Order, vs BLM & Riots)
● 民主党的减少警察经费 (Defund the Police)
● 经济增长 和 把企业, 工作带回美国(社会保障,医疗保险);
● 保護边界, 防止非法移民 (Secure border);
● 中东和平;
● 良好的教育(父母有权选择学校)…
(3) 解决:根据川普总统的政策和成就, 解决他们的担忧。 因此,川普总统是我们国家的合适人选。
(4) 投票:当他们做出承诺, 支持川普, 鼓励他们亲自投票(特别是如果有早期投票的话)。
2.对我们的支持川普的朋友们,我们不仅鼓励他们亲自投票,还鼓励他们也参加 “5 More Votes” 的活动。为总统再赢得5票!
我们可以和他们分享我们自己的经历。 让他们知道社会主义对我们家庭和国家造成的危害。 让他们意识到这次选举的重要性。
这力量非常强大! 5票,25票,125票,625票,3,125票,15,625票…
如果每位川普支持者能为总统再赢得5票, 我们不仅能赢得选举, 還能赢得漂亮! (Win the election in a landslide!)
脸书(Facebook) “5 More Votes” , 有很多好的信息
https://www.facebook.com/5-MORE-VOTES-106037534516375/让我们在社交媒体上, 与我们的朋友分享此链接。
更重要的是,请在支持川普的社交媒体上, 与川普支持者分享, 这个““5 More Votes” 的活动。邀请他们加入这个活动!
3. 加入我们的工作團隊 (我们现在非常需要人手), 在全美推广 "5 More Votes"
到支持共和党的媒体下方, 鼓励每位川普支持者都为总统再争取 5 票。
有意参加的朋友请联系 chinesepatriotvoter@gmail.com
( 请寄: 名字,电话和 电子邮箱地址 email address)。
4. 大家行动起来,开始做义工, 为摇摆州打电话、拉票。
成为摇摆州的电话志愿者: SwingAction2020@gmail.com
( 请寄: 名字, 电话和 电子邮箱地址 email address)。
5. 让我们为竞选捐款。让我们向川普总统表示感谢,并让他知道这里有支持者。 更重要的是,我们可以保护我们和孩子们的未来!捐款:发短信88022。
对于那些家里有 "红卫兵小将"的父母: 孩子们支持BLM…我们可能无法与孩子们辩论,但我们可以捐钱,从根本上解决这个问题,表示自己的立場。我们华人挺川普总统是很有说服力的! 我们有亲身经历,知道社会主义和文革的危害。 把我们的这些经历分享给大家! 确保我们和我们的后代能够在一个自由,繁荣的社会中生活!
离选举只有几周了。 现在是最后的关键时刻 ,我们需要赢得这次选举。 让我们从现在开始, 拿出实际行动, 为总统拉票!4 More Years! 加油! 谢谢大家的努力和行动!多年后,我们可以告诉我们的子孙们,我们为这个国家和世界做了一些有益的事情。 我们为这个国家,我们的未来和我们孩子的未来而战。 (如果我们什么也没做,Biden 获胜,我们會感到后悔的!)
恳请大家转发,参加 "5 More Votes" 的活动!每人为总统争取 5张选票! 并积极为摇摆州做电话义工!谢谢!
Our goal during these next few weeks is to get as many votes as possible for President Trump!
· Rally Trump supporters to each get 5 more votes for President Trump!
· Become phone volunteers for swing states.
· Contribute to the re-election campaign.
1.For each of us, let’s aim to get 5 more votes for President Trump!
· Select: Let’s select family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, church members, exercise buddies, babysitters, barbers… who are undecided or middle slightly left.
· Identify: Talk to them, identify their most important concerns, such as Law and Order vs BLM, riots, defund the police; a growing economy & bring jobs back to the U.S. (Social Security, Medicare); Secure border; Middle East peace; good education (school choices for parents)…
· Address: Address their concerns based on President Trump’s policies & achievements. Thus President Trump is the right person for our country.
· Vote: Encourage them to vote in person (especially if there is early voting) once we got their commitments.
2.For our friends who are Trump supporters, let’s not only encourage them to vote in person & also encourage them to join us to help secure 5 more votes for President Trump!
· Let’s share our own experiences with them. Let them know what damage socialism can do to our family & country. Make them aware of the importance of this election.
· This can be very powerful! Think about the math: 5 votes, 25 votes, 125 votes, 625 votes, 3,125 votes, 15,625 additional votes…
· If every Trump support can swing 5 votes, we will win the election in a landslide!
3. “5 More Votes” on Facebook is a great resource. Let’s share this link with our friends on social media. More importantly please share this ”5 More Votes” idea to Trump supporters, on social media that support Trump. Challenge people to join this ”5 More Votes” campaign!
4. For people who have time, please consider volunteering to make phone calls for battleground states.
To become a phone volunteer for all swing states: SwingAction2020@gmail.com
To become a phone volunteer for Florida: nana0612us@yahoo.com
To become a phone volunteer for Pennsylvania: paulhjli@hotmail.com
5. Of course, let’s contribute to President Trump’s re-election campaign. Any amount is good. Let’s show President Trump our appreciation & let him know there are supporters here. More importantly, we are securing our and our kids’ future!
For these parents whose kids have become lefties, supporting BLM… We may not be able to win a debate with our kids, but we can voice our opinions by opening our wallets and fundamentally change this problem.
To contribute funds: text 88022, or go to https://winred.com/
Let’s do it! Many years later, we can look back and tell our grandkids that we have done something good for this country & for the world. We have fought for this country, for our future, and for our kids’ future. (We will regret it if we have done nothing & Biden wins!)
There are only a few weeks until the election. It is the final crunch time!
We need to win this election. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work!
Together we can make it happen! 4 More Years! MAGA!