The 2020 Trump-Biden debate 1.0 has stirred up the news and people a lot. While reports and opinions hail in with personal takes on how both candidates perform, this debate is less watchable than commendable. Nowadays, if debates still indicates anything, it is through the donation trackers.
2020 is a year of paradoxes
拜登团队在辩论后一小时内即公布了record high hourly donation。在10-11PM之间Actblue收入$3.8M。而川普团队,直到辩论24小时后,仍未有任何消息出来。
回复 '贾平凸' 的评论 : 时间是2016。
在网上搜了2016年的捐款,‘Tracking the 2016 Presidential Money Race: Clinton vs. Trump“ from Bloomberg, 希拉里得到捐款$1191M,川普只得到捐款647M,比希拉里少544M。“He didn't win the money race, but Donald Trump will be the next president of the U.S. ”
贾平凸 发表评论于
回复 '五彩缤纷北极光' 的评论 : Bro, isn't he the current president?
Yu-Yuan17 发表评论于
五彩缤纷北极光 发表评论于
在网上搜了2016的捐款,‘Tracking the 2016 Presidential Money Race: Clinton vs. Trump“ from Bloomberg, 希拉里得到捐款$1191M,川普只得到捐款647M,请问内行看到了什么?
He didn't win the money race, but Donald Trump will be the next president of the U.S.
贾平凸 发表评论于
回复 '雪风万里' 的评论 : She gave her life to Americans. She is a real hero.