As Warned, Mail-in Votes ARE a Disaster

我来自毛共社会农民家庭,成长、自立、成家阶段偏逢特色共产党越发走资,在美国漂泊二十年,最近还遭遇工伤谋害谋杀。我认识到,光靠个人的辛勤是改变不了制度给个人注定的命运,必须同时通过个人的努力去改变制度和社会Limin Wang, People's Voice
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As Warned, Mail-in Votes ARE a Disaster

Nov. 06, 2020

by Limin Wang

President Donald J. Trump, just like many others, has warned way early that Universal Mail-in Votes will be a disaster, and now the 2020 election is a disaster. Former VP Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. may well be prospected and projected by some forces as the winner of 2020 presidential race, but Donald Jackass Trump would take all the odds for a fierce battle for the presidency, as some Republicans and Democrats would do for their seats. After a long run, who does not want a seat to rest on?

It's COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID-19 to be a little scientificly more accurate, that started the REASON for a Universal Mail-in Votes. BUT, if a real scientific epidemiologist or a real medical scientist really knows an epidemic in the past not involved with politics, they would doubt COVID as a lethal or even a serious pandemic. Of course, if they know math well, then they should also tell who are the liars about the COVID-19. Do not simply believe the medical professionals or the medical scientists are inhumane gods or godesses. Instead, in my case of serious injuries from the workplace and then from the medical practices, the medical field and the government are working together with the slavery masters in the employment to ruin a victim slave, me, further and further. I will use SOLID EVIDENCES to tell what a CORRUPT AND MURDEROUS New York, a deep blue state, is. A "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" in documents is not the "Dr. Benjamin S. Uh" I met; A always-masked but rarely-talking "Dr. Mitchell L. Kaphan" in my only SEVERAL visits in year 2018 but shown on many many "medical reports" of my WC case has been googled "dead in March 2019". These are the typical SARCASM the CORRUPT SYSTEM DOES NOT LIKE. Any mainstream media will pick up my real-life atrocity? Almost not even in the dream.

From personal life to public event, I am a Trump-supporter. First and foremost, It's his character that makes me a his supporter. Then, some of his policies I like, although some other things I dislike or even hate about. My life has been ruined, as my marriage has been ruined, as my children are suffering too, so my support to Trump is not valued by the few dollars I donate.

Under the current circumstances, I think the Trump campaign should start to INVESTIGATE and DO SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH about the ballots of the called battle states like Wisconsin, and Michgan, while paying close attention to the development in other battle states. You may also do compare and contrast about the ballots from battle and non-battle states. As many voters do not trust the system, as Donald J. Trump is often fighting against the system, people deserve to learn what is the real TRUTH of the 2020 voting. It's from the real TRUTH that a real JUSTICE may be possible.


王利民 发表评论于
Make America Work Again, Trump is the ONE to.
王利民 发表评论于
For example, I don't know how my 2019 NYS tax return filing was "officially recorded" as the filing date of March 27, 2020, while I signed the filing on March 31, 2020, and mailed it on March 31, 2020. On March 27, 2020, I was waiting for the whole morning and early noon for a Workers' Compensation Law Judge to call in for the 9:00 am hearing! They didn't call me, instead, the WC system states in their 03/27/2020 hearing decision that the claimant was absent! How COORDINATEDLY CORRUPT is such a system!
When the NYS WCB told me to contact the NYS Department of Health Office of Professional Medical Conduct about New York Medical & Diagnostic Center's Denying the existence of the twice-taking Open-Mouth view X-ray images, NYMDC had their bunch of garbage lies, and OPMC sent me a reply letter HALF A YEAR later, and the mail SEEMED to take more than a MONTH to reach my rent place by the USPS to deliver a missing note of very little information, and it took the USPS to take my Driver License away from me for quite a while to give me the mail at the local postal office window. I have been suspecting they could have taken my ID to sign for whatever illegal things such as fogery on whatever documents. Once again, it is another example of what a COORDINATEDLY CORRUPT system it is!
Face the REALITY, the NYS REALITY, if not the USA REALITY.
王利民 发表评论于
To some people, it is kind of immoral, iddemocratic, if not illegal, to vote for Donald Jackass Trump.
王利民 发表评论于
From what the Democrats puddles are doing about the "counting" of the "votes", I strongly urge the Republicans and President Trump to seek the sealing of all the votes from the called states, battleground and non-battleground states, and to start investigating the ballots in the called battleground states.
王利民 发表评论于
Absentee ballots are not the same thing as the Universal Mail-in Votes. Plus, what made the Mail-in Ballots' COUNTING so slow this year? Finish their COUNTING, and then both Republicans and Democrats come for the legal battle.