我们小区开出去不远,有个景至不错的地方是个 Mobil home park, 那里人们住着简易的 可移动的家,一年四季四处跑,也有些在那里一动不动,一待就是若干年。早些年,有一留学的哥们很聪明,在学校附近花几千直接买了个固定的Mobil home 独居享乐,时不时还跟咱炫耀,分享自己独处的“艳事”... 人家毕业将之出手拿着利钱转身它乡,加些银子首付一小 house, 继续“风流”。
Thanks for sharing!
In fact, there are more and more people sailing around the world in catamarans in recent years. Boat market is hot and strong.
Better not to look down people living in boats. It's just a different life style. Like the variation of houses, there are cheap boats, there are very expensive yachts as well. It's all depend on your budget and your own habit of spending money.