Shocked by murder of Afghan civilians & prisoners by Australian soldiers. We strongly condemn such acts, &call for holding them accountable.
No city or country should be named after or discriminated against in a pandemic outbreak. Wuhan was the victim of imported virus and racist demonizing.
Story journos should be going after in #Australia today: if these raids happened on #China’s media (on 26th June?) in Oz could explain the treatment of @billbirtles & @MikeSmithAFR? + could explain Cheng Lei’s detention as potentially hostage diplomacy?
Morrison did not "mess up" relations with China. It was a deliberate strategy to put Australia on the frontlines ("canary in the coalmine"), show Australia's relevance to US interests, and trial methods to undermine the PRC's global standing that could be exported elsewhere.
几天前欧盟散发了一份倡导美欧联手制衡中国政策稿件【30】,呼吁美国把握这个“一代人唯一的联手抗华的机会”(The EU will call on the US to seize a “once-in-a-generation” opportunity to forge a new global alliance, in a detailed pitch to bury the tensions of the Trump era and meet the “strategic challenge” posed by China),中国的行为有代价,欧美联盟将是中国难以承受的压力。
中国改革派一直寻找一个外因迫使自己改革,不知道这个外因够不够格(The document backs president-elect Joe Biden's idea for a summit of democracies, and says that the new transatlantic agenda should be “the linchpin of a new global alliance of like-minded partners”)。
《纽时》这篇报道讲述了澳大利亚因为自己是小国(人口太少),历史上一直找个大哥,抱大腿,以前是英国,后来是美国,这就是我原文里提到的澳大利亚那种动机,所以澳大利亚主动傍上美国是必然的,但是莫里森给川普的媚眼确实有点恶心,连自己人都觉得过头了(Mr. Morrison inadvertently let the world hear Australia’s internal dialogue of doubt — one that echoes around the globe as China increasingly asserts its might;At a time when Australia’s favored nation status with the Trump White House is about to expire, there is widespread concern that a Biden administration will focus less on America’s Pacific partners and more on rebuilding ties in Europe.)。然而中国也有做过头的迹象,不让澳大利亚下台,拜登的国安委主任表态要支持奥,不应当简单看成五眼联盟天然反应那么简单,外交上巧妙的,是让对手知道厉害却又有下台的机会。
China's Deputy Head of Mission to Australia Wang Xining speaks with journalists outside @dfat following international backlash about 'the Afghanistan tweet' and list of 14 grievances with Australia
In your dictionary, criticizing is to make enemy. If you criticize your kids or your government, you are making them as your enemy. Suggest you enter university and grow your knowledge again.
Link 发表评论于 2020-12-01 03:38:12
Littlesnail 发表评论于
Australia is always the first one to criticise China in the past two years. If you treat China as enemy ,China will be your enemy.
Australia government had banned many Chinese business in Australia ,Australia deserve any penalty from China .Australia acted as American dog.
Link 发表评论于
回复 '乐乐幽灵' 的评论 : suggest you google out Australian family or personal wealth median value, exceeding US number significantly.
Link 发表评论于
笨狼 is really silly. What Chinese government did to Australia is being watched carefully by the western countries. If Chinese government could ignore the free trade agreement between China and Australia and place various restrictions to Australia goods, it only demonstrates how untrustworthy this government is. The other nations for sure will think twice before signing any new agreement with such an untrustworthy government. Now the western countries have observed how a communist party led government behaves, they will unite and deal with the problems.
Link 发表评论于
笨狼 is really silly. What Chinese government did to Australia is being watched carefully by the western countries. If Chinese government could ignore the free trade agreement between China and Australia and place various restrictions to Australia goods, it only demonstrates how untrustworthy this government is. The other nations for sure will think twice before signing any new agreement with such an untrustworthy government. Now the western countries have observed how a communist party led government behaves, they will unite and deal with the problems.