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在第二次坐上司法部长位子,不到两年的时间里,威廉·巴尔(William Barr)是左右两派都想拉下马的人物。左派视他为眼中钉,称巴尔是 “特朗普总统的忠实保护伞”,“总统的辩护律师”。民主党要弹劾巴尔。大选后,特朗普总统,对他自己提名的司法部长巴尔100个不满,有观点认为他一定会在任期里炒掉巴尔。像巴尔这样,在权力的顶层游弋了几十年,在司法界两次登顶的人物,为什么会受有如此遭遇?



二十七年前,在我的任命听证会上,我阐明司法部长和其他内阁成员的区别,该部门的独特性,和他在我们宪法体制中扮演的关键角色。那时我这么说:(Twenty-seven years ago, at my confirmation hearing, I explained that the office of Attorney General is not like any other cabinet post; it is unique and has a critical role to play under our constitutional system. I said then:)

司法部长有非常特殊的义务,独特的义务。他执掌着对司法执政公平、公正的信任。司法部长的职责就是公平、完整地执法。司法部长必须确保司法操作-执法-高于并远离政治。对于政府系统,律法,或司法部作为制度而言,没有什么能比容忍政治左右执法更具破坏性的。(The Attorney General has very special obligations, unique obligations. He holds in trust the fair and impartial administration of justice. It is the Attorney General’s responsibility to enforce the law evenhandedly and with integrity. The Attorney General must ensure that the administration of justice – the enforcement of the law – is above and away from politics. Nothing could be more destructive of our system of government, of the rule of law, or the Department of Justice as an institution, than any toleration of political interference with the enforcement of the law. )

和27年前一样,今天我依然坚信,甚至更强烈地坚信这一原则。我们身处国家严重分裂的时代。在当前的环境下,美国人民必须知道,政府中有地方是由法律,而不是政治说了算,在那里,人们会仅 凭事实而被公平对待,在那里,法律的实施不偏不倚。司法部必须是这么一片净土。(I believe this as strongly today as I did 27 years ago – indeed, more strongly. We live in time when the country is deeply divided. In the current environment, the American people have to know that there are places in the government where the rule of law – not politics – holds sway, and where they will be treated fairly based solely on the facts and an even-handed application of the law. The Department of Justice must be such a place.)

我没有盯上这个位子。第一次被提名时,我犹豫过。我都68了,半退休了,漫长的法律生涯也快走到头了。我太太和我期盼着和女儿们,孙辈们度过平和,宝贵的时光。况且,这份差使从前我干过了。可最终,我同意出任,因为我坚信为公众服务,我崇尚法律,钟爱司法部,以及在那里工作的,敬忠职守的专业人才。在这样的时刻,我相信我能领导好这个部门。(I did not pursue this position. When my name was first raised, I was reluctant to be considered. I am 68 years old, partially retired, and nearing the end of a long legal career. My wife and I were looking forward to a peaceful and cherished time with our daughters and grandchildren. And I have had this job before. But ultimately, I agreed to serve because I believe strongly in public service, I revere the law, and I love the Department of Justice and the dedicated professionals who serve there. I believe I can do a good job leading the Department in these times. )


我无须证明自己,没有想回政府工作的冲动。之前,我和特朗普总统没有交集。(William Barr: (27:15) I had nothing to prove and I had no desire to return to government. I had no prior relationship with President Trump.)



事件1:2016年大选前,詹姆斯·科米(James Comey)无意间,一不小心把特朗普送上了总统宝座。(科米是FBI局长,FBI受司法部管辖,所以和司法部有关联)

事件2:2017年5月9日,科米因为拒绝特朗普终止FBI对迈克尔·弗林(Michael Flynn)调查的要求,而被炒鱿鱼。

事件3:罗伯特·穆勒(Robert Mueller)对俄罗斯大选干预的司法调查,尚在如火如荼地进行,没有结论。

事件4:2017年11月7日,时任司法部长杰夫·塞申斯(Jeff Sessions)因为把自己屏蔽在穆勒调查的门外,在特朗普的逼迫下辞职。


了解他的人坚持说,巴尔就是巴尔-他的动机不是为了抱负或其他什么,只为了有机会把自己由衷信仰的理念付诸实践。(The people who know him insist that Barr is just being Barr — that he is not motivated by ambition or anything other than the opportunity to put his heartfelt beliefs into practice.






俄罗斯在2016年总统选举中的干预(Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election),巴尔写道,

调查没有确立特朗普竞选团队成员密谋或协助俄罗斯政府干预选举活动。(investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.)

妨碍司法公正(Obstruction of justice),巴尔写道,

特别检察官决定只陈述他(特朗普)妨碍司法调查的事实,不给出任何法律结论,交由总检察长来裁决报告中所述行为是否构成犯罪。(The Special Counsel's decision to describe the facts of his obstruction investigation without reaching any legal conclusions leaves it to the Attorney General to determine whether the conduct described in the report constitutes a crime.)

司法部副部长罗德·罗森斯坦和我得出的结论是特别检察官调查的证据显示,不足以认定总统犯有妨碍司法公正的罪行。(Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.)





说句题外的话。普遍的逻辑以为,总统大选时,一个人选了A,那么他就是A粉。错!你有没有想过,因为总统大选最后只有两个候选人,非A即 B,他选A,有可能是他并不喜欢A, 而是他更不喜欢B!2016年的选举就是这样,作为候选人的特朗普,不喜欢他的人太多了,可因为千万种理由,有人就是更不喜欢希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton),而投了特朗普的票。不是说他投票给特朗普,就必须喜欢他。再譬如说,因为最近发生的左翼运动,和社会动荡,民主党管理的城市,政府放任,投票人不见得喜欢特朗普,但因为反感民主党的不作为而投票给特朗普,就当是泻私愤。



moba0714 发表评论于
voter does not care email gate
moba0714 发表评论于
voter does not care email gate
moba0714 发表评论于
when she declared Trump supporters as deplorables, she knew she lost
planojw 发表评论于
回复 '爱笑的伶俐' 的评论 : 谢谢!
planojw 发表评论于
回复 'moba0714' 的评论 : Yes, not 100% true, I agree. Not one single reason warrants Trump won 2016 election. However that's what Hillary and some Dem believes. Comey did reopen the case and notified congress 11 days before the election day, so to a lot of voters, that's equal to a guilty verdict. Thanks for reading and commenting!
爱笑的伶俐 发表评论于
moba0714 发表评论于
事件1:2016年大选前,詹姆斯·科米(James Comey)无意间,一不小心把特朗普送上了总统宝座。(科米是FBI局长,FBI受司法部管辖,所以和司法部有关联)not true