这个屋子好像跟那首poem有关似的!它在坡的顶端,我们停下脚步远远的打量着。忽然有一阵风贴着草地窜过来拍拍我们的肩膀——喔,西风!西风不识字,随意乱翻书。我受到提醒!回到家,赶紧上网查找——原来是一首歌——70年底民谣歌手kate wolf,写歌唱歌,她几乎和卡伦卡彭特是一个时期的歌手,在我们成长的那个资讯十分匮乏的年代,我自然是不知道她。
“A Lilac bush and an Apple tree
Were standing in the woods
Out on the hill above the town,
Where once a farmhouse stood.
In the winter the leaves are bare
And no one sees the signs
Of a house that stood and a garden that grew
And life in another time.
One Spring when the buds came bursting forth
And grass grew on the land,
The Lilac spoke to the Apple tree
As only an old friend can.
Do you think, said the Lilac, this might be the year
When someone will build here once more?
Here by the cellar, still open and deep,
There's room for new walls and a floor.
Oh, no, said the Apple, there are so few
Who come here on the mountain this way
And when they do, they don't often see
Why we're growing here, so far away.
A long time ago we were planted by hands
That worked in the mines and the mills
When the country was young and the people who came
Built their homes in the hills.
But now there are cities, the roads have come
And no one lives here today
And the only signs of the farms in the hills
Are the things not carried away
Broken dishes, piles of boards,
A tin plate, an old leather shoe.
And an Apple tree still bending down
And a Lilac where a garden once grew.”
kate wolf只活了44岁,1986年死于白血病。她还有其他更被广泛流传的歌,比如“Here is canifornia”&“ Close to you ”。每年在旧金山还有以她的名字命名的folk music festival,我找到她的网站,看到依然有人写文章纪念她,感叹她在创作旺季英年早逝。
我开始慢慢的一首一首听她的歌,在一个常常下雨的冬季,暖气片热着,窗外烟雨蒙蒙,kate的声音充满了原木的质感,木吉他稍长的前奏,指尖拨铉的停留,秒钟滴滴答答,适当的点燃内心的期待——在无聊的冬天,Lilac bush带来紫色的温暖。