My notes: Since her 5-year-old up to her 15 years old, she put her ice-blade on sleep and got up at 5:00 AM waking up her parents to take her to ice skating practice. What a determination could you get from a 5-year old? Michelle W. Kwan
This is so calming, and is the perfect timeline cleanse. My humblebrag is that I have been mistaken for
on numerous occasions through the years. I may or may not have autographed things for you Michelle
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Michelle Kwan
I can’t take my eyes off of you PA, AZ, NV & GA. Count every vote #Biden2020
This is so calming, and is the perfect timeline cleanse. My humblebrag is that I have been mistaken for
on numerous occasions through the years. I may or may not have autographed things for you Michelle
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Michelle Kwan
I can’t take my eyes off of you PA, AZ, NV & GA. Count every vote #Biden2020
This is so calming, and is the perfect timeline cleanse. My humblebrag is that I have been mistaken for
on numerous occasions through the years. I may or may not have autographed things for you Michelle
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Michelle Kwan
I can’t take my eyes off of you PA, AZ, NV & GA. Count every vote #Biden2020