WWII Sophie Scholl and The White Rose Germany

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Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (Full Film)

Feb 15, 2017
2.26K subscribers
Watch this true story based on the courage of Sophie, her brother Hans, and their friend Cristoph who had the faith and fortitude to stand AGAINST the Nazi regime at the height of its power during WWII. Is this coming to America? Will we each have to face the same system she did? If that does happen, what will you do when the time comes to speak for what is right? What happens when freedom becomes a crime? Please enjoy the film. Subscribe to our channel, share with others you know, and visit our website. Together we can #resist. http://www.white-rose-resistance.org
Marylka Pattison
Sophie Scholl was executed 75 years ago today - February 22, 2018. Her story should never be forgotten. Thanks for putting the entire movie on YouTube.
simon conran
One of the world's most courageous people.Their story has to be told, and this film does it very well.R.I.P. Sophie, and all White Rose members.
Christopher Pollard
These were kids standing up to a tyrannical regime, there are no words for their courage.
I thought the movie was amazing. I found it by accident, and im glad I did
Sophie Scholl: "You will soon be standing where we stand now" -- Whoa! That line just gave me the chills!
Nick Mulcahy
Excellent movie, depicts the humanity whilst living in a nightmare society. Every society needs a Sophie and Hans to remind us of what freedom is, and how easily power corrupts. I didn’t know their story until today, and they deserve their place in the annals of history and conscience. Brilliantly depicted in this movie. Well done to all involved.
Terrence W.
“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -George R.R. Martin
Joe Smith
Remembering Sophie Scoll on this day (February 22nd). Please never forget her.
JP Sclafani
Who among us all, in today's world, would have that kind of courage to stand up for what is right, no matter the consequences? PS... Please search; SOPHIE AFTERLIFE, my play, premiered at the Manhattan Repertory Theatre (2018) starring the fantastic Nina Richardson, directed by the renowned actress and director, Margaret Curry.
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This was a truly moving story and movie. And the actors really did a phenomenal job.
Rugged Techie
Now that's a real human being
God bless all of these courageous young people for standing against tyranny! They will always be remembered.
Robert bishop
I love the back and forth during the interrogation. She was quite brave because of her belief in God. Her faith and strength never waivered.
Estrid Melissa
What a marvelous film! Outstanding acting. Sophie and Hans Scholl and the rest of these brave students deserve io be remembered.
John Roberts
We remember. Sophie and friends. People like you are needed today. X
Jeebers Nihil
The first country Hitler invaded was Germany, his propaganda invaded the minds of its people first. There were some brave citizens of Germany who did not succumb so easily and opposed the nazi party.
Rob Jones
A magnificent film. Bought it many years ago, and was highly impressed by the true story of this incredibly brave woman and her friends to take a stand against the Nazis. They all paid a terrible price for their noble cause, but Sophie is now venerated for her lonely stance and rightly so. "For evil to triumph, it is necessary for good men to do nothing."- Edmund Burke. Thanks for posting it. '
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Jota 『ホタ』 ViolinxBass
Incredible movie. I haven't felt so sad until watching this, it was just breathtaking. And the actors... such an incredible acting everyone.
De Wina Gantina
? (TOP) f'u"l'l M'o'V'i"E ? Watch nöw: winamovie.blogspot.com/tt0274257/wat.html All Subtitle 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的 生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和 慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候
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Scope Out Horror Reviews
Just goes to show how powerful the young generation can be She is now engraved in my mind forever
She didn’t deserve this end
I knew nothing of Sophie's story before I stumbled on this movie by accident,,I'm so glad I watched it,,,she was so brave and she's a better person than me,,I don't think I would have had the courage to go to my death like she did,,what a wonderful story and may she rest in piece
Subwaygirl NYC
Unbelievably BRAVE. A martyr. She could have gotten out of it; sadly, foolishly or bravely she had the courage of her conviction. She is with God; there is no doubt she lives in Paradise. ????RIP.
Mary Burnham
Unbelievably brave, they should never be forgotten.
Peter Robson
1 hr 42 mins, I wept For These Brave people, not ashamed to say so too.
Sam Shulman
“Every life is precious”- that’s my favorite line of the whole film
9:20 foreshadows Sophie Scholl's famous last words, "It is such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go..."
Sophie was an amazing person.
Granny Smith
Excellent movie!!! I commend these heroic people for sacrificing their lives for the German people and the nation!!!
Rebecca GeekyGirl
I admire those guys a lot... but Han invited his nazi girlfriend to the group's private meetings and he didn't ride himself of the evidence incriminating his friends when he was arrested. Something that Sophie did. I don't think he took the risks seriously... and several of his friends died for it.
When NWO orders martial law and a global one world digital currency to be controlled by AI, let's see how many resist.
Nick Doe
Haha, could they have made the judge look more evil? Creepy! There are so many interesting comparisons between the police interrogator in here and Pontius Pilot
Jatinder Singh Narula
She would have been around 95 years today ...if alive ....after watching this movie ...it lingers on your mind for a long time ....just to think that people were executed just for distributing pamphlets in one of the most advanced and cultured countries in the world.....it has been rightly said that for Evil can triumph if good people decide to do nothing ....hope more and more people watch this movie and learn a lesson from history .....never to keep quiet when something evil is happening ....
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Guardian of truth
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" Voltaire It is happening big time today. Think for yourself. Quit listening to those who are manipulating you. Another good quote “Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”" Charles MacKay
Patricia Bracken
R.I.P. Sophie / your brother/ all brave members of the white rose. The evil Judge got his karma.
DuffnotFudd Willington
An amazing story about a tremendous soul. God forever bless you Sophie. I pray that I am privileged enough to meet you in the near future.
Emily Carter
That scream at 1:38:56 is the most harrowing and powerful acting of the entire film. Holy shit.
Luca H
This type of thing is all too common. It happens even today, you know where. It’s great that we know about Miss Scholl’s story but to think that there were so many people who went through similar things in nazi germany, the soviet union or even today in the middle east that we don’t even know about. So many unsung heroes, fighters who fought against the oppression of fascism, the oppression of communism, it’s heartbreaking. May God rest your soul Sophie.
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Nicky Paris Jack
I admire Sophie Scholl and The White Rose, and that evil judge had absolutely no business sentencing them all to death. But, these were very dangerous times and you could be hanged for the slightest misdeed. The only criticism I have is Sophie and her brother shouldn't have gone into a University, in broad daylight, where somebody was SURE to see them, and open up their briefcases to distribute the leaflets. As the guy said in the beginning of the movie, "Are you crazy?" Still, they had more courage than I could ever have in my lifetime, and this was a great tragedy in my opinion.
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Glenn Thompson
A truly inspiring story. Fanatics of both left and right must be stood against. Too few have the courage and integrity to do so.
Eric Twing
what courage
Brandi Lynn Dominguez
Today is the anniversary of Sophie's death at the hands of the Nazis. 77 years. She could have still been alive if it weren't for the Nazis.
Netfwix N Chill
My goodness, that was such a moving piece of cinematography.
George Hamilton
1:38:54 That's the only time she really shows how things got to her, huh?
Bernard Meaney
Does Sophie Scholl have sainthood? She ought to have it.
K D'Arcy
There are always a few bright lights in spite of the darkness.
Nikola Vanzetti Tesla sacco
Her legacy will live thru all of us!! " Love and peace" everyone!!!
Chris E
'And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.' Romans 8:17-18
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Gene Ricky Shaw
Fantastic film. Sophie and her friends had amazing courage. Thank you for having this on Youtube
very sad story....... exactly the same happened to Bhagat Singh while fighting...... He was also a 21 year old young collage going boy......
Such a beautiful film. So powerful and empowering. May Sophie Rest In Peace ??
1:48:20 'and let justice takes its course' . How often has this been crowed by morally bankrupt people?
She will live forever young! The good thing is that, those who sentenced her to death, they are also already dead.
All so brave !
Rest in the Good Peace of God Almighty Sophie and Hans.
Thank you for making such an important film available. Subscribed.
the son is still shining
The siblings are really bravehearts, Respect & Salute. R. I. P
Very emotional, a brave wee girl , never again