People never realize how evil a wagging tongue truly is.

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
打印 被阅读次数 (a good movie because it was from a book written by Oscar Wilde.)

"Lady Windemere Fan" by Oscar Wilde, this movie was a very thoughtful and good adaptation. They kept some of Wilde's own words of wisdom in the script. Nice movie that should have been seen by everyone.

"Americans are every where!" "What are great movie, heart warming, nostalgic. Something that transports you in the darkness our Country/ the world is going through. Thank you"

"snaps and claps to the writers! just phenomenal dialogue right until the end????????????"

"People never realize how evil a wagging tongue truly is - See how gossip can alter the truth."

. "If we're always guided by other people's thoughts. What's the point of having our own? " Brilliant! "The best way to keep my word, is never to give it" "She likes you for your money! - "Well, she should, it's my greatest asset..." So adorable..-"I think we should mind our own business". -"my own business bores me, i much prefer other people's". 14:47

"Every man is born truthful, and every man dies a liar". ????

"What a pleasure! Just press play! It's totally relatable. Don't let your preconceived notions, whatever they are, dissuade you from watching this movie! Not only the era, the actors & the beautiful clothes, It's observations, perceptions, insights are simply brilliant, as are the many one-liners!"

"I watched the first half of this movie because I had nothing else to do. I watched the next half because I loved the story."

" truthfull statements made in this movie ????

"women don't trust women, men don't trust women. No one trusts women..." " do u think she would look at u if u were poor?" " Do u think I would look at her if she were ugly? Fair is fair""

A Good Woman

Feb 1, 2019
128M subscribers
A notorious seductress enters a gossipy society and entices the husband of a faithful young woman, delighting the gossips and prompting a series of unexpected consequences.