Opinion: Special Counsels or Committee on Election Fraud
Dec. 20, 2020, Sunday
by Limin Wang
Just one month away from Jan. 20, 2021, the investigation or pursuit on election fraud of the 2020 presidential election has not broken any barrier. If one ideal individual is not easily found for the task, then how about forming a Special Committee with some starting members including Michael Flynn. If President Trump and his alllies know the evidence, then show the resolve to use the resources and to expose the evidence as much and as early as you can. When the Trump side makes some resolute moves, the opponent side will make some (counter) moves too, and that will start the movement. The investigation is more about the integrity of the election system, and the incumbent President should resolutely and forcefully push for the investigation, PRIMARILY for the SYSTEM, SECONDARILY for himself as a candidate for the 2021-2025 presidency.