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To be or not?
China History Maps (globalsecurity.org)
There Is No Chinese ‘Debt Trap’ - The Atlantic
How Trump’s Tariffs Really Affected the U.S. Job Market - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Hundreds of UK academics investigated over weapons links to China | News | The Times
Opinion | It’s Time to Trust China’s and Russia’s Vaccines - The New York Times
In Europe Union, vaccines from Russia and China are now under study - The Washington Post
Why Jürgen Habermas Disappeared (foreignpolicy.com)
The EU is an uncertain trade ally for Biden | Financial Times (ft.com)
China Isn't Testing Biden (foreignpolicy.com)
Canada coronavirus: Officials defend taking Covax vaccines - The Washington Post
A Scientist Is Arrested, and Academics Push Back - The New York Times
Bribes, fake factories and forged documents: the buccaneering consultants pervading China’s factory audits | South China Morning Post (scmp.com)
Justin Ling: "The secrecy around this story is unbelievable. Qiu developed a life-saving Ebola therapy — the science behind it led to some of the most promising COVID-19 breakthroughs. The secrecy from Ottawa has breathed life into crazy conspiracy. theories"
Biden’s China Policy to Be Steered by Team of Rivals - WSJ
Containing China is not a feasible option | Financial Times
US-China investment flows belie geopolitical tensions | Financial Times
A World Divided: The Conflict with Chinese Techno-Nationalism Isn’t Coming – It’s Already Here - War on the Rocks
A Grand Strategy Based on Resilience - War on the Rocks
Profound Rebuilding Needed to Shore Up U.S. Democracy - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Getting the China challenge right (brookings.edu)
To End Forever Wars, Biden Must Rethink the American Way of Waging Them (foreignpolicy.com)
Such gestures are not insincere or meaningless, nor should they be mocked, but they are cost-free, emblematic of a mode of fighting and funding war that places virtually no demands on the public.
Power and Interdependence with China (tandfonline.com)
Delusions of Dominance | Foreign Affairs
Biden Team Promises New Look in Trade Policy - WSJ
White House shifts from Middle East quagmires to a showdown with China - POLITICO
Why Biden won’t reset on China (afr.com)
‘US can’t partner, confront China at the same time’ - Global Times
Stakes over Taiwan couldn’t be higher (afr.com)
Biden, Taiwanese independence, and China: How long can the U.S. stall? (slate.com)
Xi's Speech at Davos Tells the World What He Really Wants (foreignpolicy.com)
Biden shows his hawkish side on China | Financial Times
EU goes soft on China in hopes of a climate ‘partnership’ while the US plays hardball – POLITICO
The EU’s front line with China: Stockholm – POLITICO
Readout of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Call with President Xi Jinping of China | The White House
习近平同美国总统拜登通电话-新华网 (xinhuanet.com)
Opinion | Biden’s Nightmare May Be China - The New York Times
China's digital currency is a game changer (Part 1) - Money: Inside and Out (exantedata.com)
Macron: EU shouldn’t gang up on China with US – POLITICO
Analysis: Why is Myanmar’s military so powerful? | Military News | Al Jazeera
Analysis: In China, post-coup Myanmar likely to find support if sanctions bite | Reuters
Myanmar coup: China blocks UN condemnation as protest grows - BBC News
Coup Puts Myanmar at the Center of U.S.-China Clash - WSJ
Kelley Currie on Twitter: "This article is nonsense on stilts. Idealism drove US policy on Burma until about 2010
How a Deadly Power Game Undid Myanmar’s Democratic Hopes - The New York Times缅甸民盟的“昂山素季造神运动”和垮台 - 纽约时报中文网 :造神)
Dr. Gerard McCarthy on Twitter: "THREAD: A toxic mix of vanity, ambition & naivety has led to the arrest of #SuuKyi & return to military rule in #Myanmar
Opinion | Myanmar Needs a New Kind of Democracy - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Is Beijing Backing the Myanmar Coup? (foreignpolicy.com)
BREAKINGVIEWS - Myanmar coup does China more harm than good | Reuters
China rejects suggestion that it supported coup in Myanmar | Reuters
Japan defence official warns Myanmar coup could increase China's influence in region | Reuters
2008:Is It Time to Invade Burma? - TIME
What Biden's America Should—and Shouldn’t—Do About Myanmar’s Coup (foreignpolicy.com)
缅甸政局突发动荡:原因及影响 (qq.com)
What Myanmar's Coup Means for China - The Atlantic
Companies consider writing Hong Kong out of legal contracts | Financial Times
It's time for Hong Kong to reckon with its far-right - Lausan
Bloody Shovel 3 - We will drown and nobody shall save us (spandrell.com)
The Daily Mao on Twitter: "1/ Holy crap, this article by @thespandrell explains the HK situation so well
Business Confidence Survey: Positive Development for German Businesses in China and High Expectations for EU-China Investment Agreement (ahk.de)
A new survey of German companies in China shows they are doubling down rather than pulling out. Among the findings:
- 96% have no plans to leave in the next year
- 72% are planning further investments
- 77% expect CN market to develop better than others
Let's talk about that "Longer Telegram" making the rounds..… (buzzchronicles.com)
The Longer Telegram: Toward a new American China strategy - Atlantic Council
Opinion | To Counter China’s Rise, the U.S. Should Focus on Xi - POLITICO
Why the ‘Longer Telegram’ Won’t Solve the China Challenge | The National Interest
Rachel Esplin Odell on Twitter: "Excellent response by Paul Heer
《欧盟统计署》GDP down by 0.7% in the euro area and by 0.5% in the EU
Europe’s Economy Falls Further Behind U.S. and China. ‘It’s Getting Desperate.’ - WSJ
数据显示:2020年欧盟27国GDP下滑6.4%_视点陕西网 (sxcntv.com)
What the US GDP data tell us about 2020 | PIIE
14.7万亿美元!我国经济总量稳居全球第二,20年内GDP扩大至10倍,占世界经济比重预计达17% | 每经网
World Economic Outlook Update, January 2021: Policy Support and Vaccines Expected to Lift Activity (imf.org)
World Economic Outlook Update, January 2021: Policy Support and Vaccines Expected to Lift Activity (pwc.com)
China Played Its Hand Well in 2020. Will It Keep Winning? - WSJ
China GDP: two-thirds of provinces beat national growth figure in 2020 | South China Morning Post
Did China's Economy Bounce Back from the Coronavirus? The Data Are Murky. | Barron's
Michael Pettis on Twitter: "1/3 As of now 29 of China's provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, representing 95% of China's GDP, have set GDP growth targets that on a weighted-average basis amount to 6.8% growth for the country.
Chinese State Council Budget Tracker - Center for Security and Emerging Technology (georgetown.edu)
Botched vaccine rollout, virus variants have eurozone headed for double-dip recession - Axios
CNNIC发布第47次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》—中国教育和科研计算机网CERNET (www.edu.cn)
Reductions in 2020 US life expectancy due to COVID-19 and the disproportionate impact on the Black and Latino populations | PNAS
China rethinks the Jack Ma model - Nikkei Asia
中共中央办公厅 国务院办公厅印发《建设高标准市场体系行动方案》_中央有关文件_中国政府网
全面加强知识产权保护工作 激发创新活力推动构建新发展格局 - 求是网
清“路障”拆“门槛” 中国拟五年基本建成高标准市场体系 | Reuters
Wuhan doctor: China authorities stopped me sounding alarm on Covid | Coronavirus | The Guardian
Wuhan doctor confirms in new BBC documentary that China wanted to cover up the coronavirus - NewsABC.net
HBO film challenges China's covid narrative - The Washington Post
China calls for complete trust in, support for WHO experts on virus origin-tracing - Xinhua | English.news.cn (xinhuanet.com)
一年了,武汉中心医院变了吗? (《财经》)
蔡莉卸任:疫情期间损失惨重,武汉市中心医院如何渡过危机? (《丁香园》)
蔡莉所在的武汉中心医院为何医护人员伤亡惨重 | 特稿精选 (《财新》)
2020年度人渣人物——蔡莉!长得不男不女但有权有势能手眼通天!蔡莉打一个喷嚏湖北有可能就会暴雨如注!蔡莉跺一下脚全网封杀艾芬! (qq.com)
蔡莉“走人”背后:纪委调查近两个月、访谈200人 (qq.com)
揭开蔡莉家族的财富隐秘 (qq.com)
How China Beat Covid-19 and Revived Its Economy - The New York Times
How the Chinese State Mobilized Civil Society to Fight COVID-19 – The Diplomat
Paper Boats on Twitter: "官方中文新闻稿https://t.co/Sc4Skk40fB" / Twitter
Kristian G. Andersen on Twitter: "Now the SARS-CoV-2 variants that were first identified in the UK (B.1.1.7), South Africa (B.1.351), and Brazil (P.1) have been found in the US, a couple of thoughts (i.e., speculation...) on what happens next, as I been getting many questions about transmission and immunity. ???????? https://t.co/2VZzGx19li" / Twitter
Covid-19 Safety Measures, Supply Constraints Crimp Manufacturers - WSJ
Mapping a Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2 Seropositivity in the United States | medRxiv
By July of 2020, 16.8 million people in the US had #COVID19 -- and didn’t know it.
A study shows the variant spreading rapidly in Britain could become resistant to vaccines - The New York Times
Narendra Modi's Assault on the Indian Idea - The Atlantic
为什么印度能“躲过”这次新冠病毒? - 懂车帝
Arundhati Roy: ‘The pandemic is a portal’ | Free to read  | Financial Times
The Virus Trains: How Lockdown Chaos Spread Covid-19 Across India - The New York Times
India's Covid-19 Outbreak Spreads Through Rural Areas - The New York Times
Coronavirus Shatters India's Economy - The New York Times
India’s Covid Outbreak Is Now the World’s Fastest-Growing - The New York Times
India: has the Covid pandemic started to burn itself out? | Financial Times (ft.com)
Covid-19 Was Consuming India, Until Nearly Everyone Started Wearing Masks - WSJ
Dramatic drop in Covid cases gives India hope of return to normal life | India | The Guardian
投资超万亿 中国完成千万贫困人口大迁徙-中新网
The blunt force of China’s mobilisation campaigns | Financial Times
总投资超过1万亿元 “十三五”易地扶贫搬迁任务全面完成--财经--人民网 (people.com.cn)
《中国的减贫行动与人权进步》白皮书(全文)(2016) (fmprc.gov.cn)
西海固用半个世纪划上的句号 (yicai.com)
China’s Rural Crisis, Made Worse by Pandemic, Will Drag China Down for Decades (foreignpolicy.com)
Chinese microlending is out of control - Protocol
Coronavirus pandemic leaves China’s over-35s with uncertain job prospects | South China Morning Post
China’s GDP ‘paradox’: why young Chinese despair about future prospects despite rapid economic growth | South China Morning Post
China debt: how big is it and who owns it? | South China Morning Post (scmp.com)
Why China’s Debt Defaults Are More Alarming This Time: QuickTake - Bloomberg
China's Dollar Debt Is Surging, and That Spells Trouble - Bloomberg
Inside a Pro-Huawei Influence Campaign - The New York Times
Mystery surrounds huge rise in Huawei executives’ social media followings | Financial Times
Surveillance of Uyghurs Detailed in Chinese Police Database (theintercept.com)
Good and Bad Muslims in Xinjiang - Made in China Journal
Critical China Scholars
海航系三家上市公司公告破产重整 大股东涉侵占和担保债务逾千亿|家公司_新浪财经
China’s Government Debt-to-GDP Ratio Soars as Spending Booms, Revenue Shrinks - Caixin Global
Outstanding central and local government debt rose to 46.55 trillion yuan ($7.2 trillion) at the end of 2020, amounting to 45.8% of GDP compared with 38.5% at the end of 2019,
第一:杀马特(杀家);第二:笑族(笑家);第三:潮流集团;第四:朴亓;第五: 枫珍;第六:爱秀;第七:諻謿╱/.家族;第八:冥謿ㄨ家族;第九:中国潮流;第十:炫主流(炫家)
第一:杀马特(杀家);第二:笑族(笑家);第三:中国潮流;第四:残雪;第五: HB集团;第六:冷魅;第七:冥謿ㄨ家族;第八:炫琪家族;第九:『Reds丶集团』;第十:R.s—染指世家
李一凡:杀马特工人与城市白领,两者的压抑非常类似 | 正午访谈
被误解的杀马特:夸张发型是流水线青年的避风港 (yicai.com)
李一凡:杀马特工人与城市白领,两者的压抑非常类似 | 正午访谈|界面新闻