针对这一赤裸裸的种族主义歧视性言论,美国华人联合会United Chinese Americans和全美华裔反歧视大联盟 Chinese Americans Anti-Racism Coalition 同时于2020年12月中旬发起向美国国会抗议请愿,要求布莱克本参议员应在参议院诚恳地向全体在美华裔社区道歉。
另外,田纳西州的华人社区也在进行联署抗议活动,Tennessee Chinese American Alliance,80-20National Asian American PAC and UCA 将在2021/01/10星期天在田纳西州三家主要报纸刊登抗议广告。
在美国,没有一个政客敢如此冒犯其他的少数族裔,例如犹太裔,非洲裔,拉丁裔,等等。而在美国历史上,更没有其他族裔被单挑出来,联邦立法排斥禁止入境,唯有1882年的排华法案是例外。事实上,这个白人参议员Blackburn的推文比2013年ABC 的Kimmel 事件性质更恶劣,长远影响更严重。众所周知,目前我们在美华裔社区正在面临越来越严重的种族歧视言行。在日常生活中,针对在美华人的“滚回中国去”的事件,层出不穷,屡屡发生,例如2016年10月9日纽约时报的一位华裔记者,2020年10月30日CNN的一位华裔记者。
- https://www.cnn.com/2013/10/29/showbiz/jimmy-kimmel-china-apology/index.html
- https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/10/nyregion/to-the-woman-who-told-my-family-to-go-back-to-china.html
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFHzasHIncs
Index |
Organization Name |
City |
State |
1 |
Academy of Chinese Studies in New Orleans |
New Orleans |
LA |
2 |
AiHua Integration, LLC |
3 |
Alliance for Preserving History of World War II in Asia |
4 |
American Changle Association |
NY |
NY |
5 |
American Chinese Voter Alliance Corp |
NY |
NY |
6 |
American Chinese Commerce Association |
Brooklyn |
NY |
7 |
American Chinese Culinary Federation |
Brooklyn |
NY |
8 |
APAPA Southern California Region |
Los Angeles |
CA |
9 |
APAPA TX Region |
Austin |
TX |
10 |
11 |
Art World School |
Portland |
OR |
12 |
Asian Canadian Equity Alliance Association |
13 |
Austin Asian Community Civil Coalition |
Austin |
TX |
14 |
Austin Chinese-American Network |
15 |
Beautiful house cleaning |
New Hyde Park |
NY |
16 |
Caring Pediatrics, LLC |
17 |
Chicago Professor and Scholar Group |
18 |
Chimerica Women Association |
NY |
NY |
19 |
China Media LLC |
20 |
Chinese American Association at Greater Chicago |
21 |
Chinese American Association of Central Illinois (CAACI) |
22 |
Chinese American Association of Lexington |
23 |
Chinese American Business Association of Birmingam. |
24 |
Chinese American Friendship Association CAFA |
25 |
Chinese American organization association |
26 |
Chinese American Parent Association of Howard County (CAPA-HC) |
27 |
Chinese Association of Columbia |
28 |
Chinese Association of Great Detroit |
29 |
Chinese Association of West Michigan |
30 |
Chinese Benevolent Association of Stockton |
31 |
Chinese Trading and Investment Association |
Chicago |
IL |
32 |
Chong Lou USA headquarters |
Brooklyn |
NY |
33 |
Cincinnati Sichuan-Chongqing Friendship Association |
34 |
Coalition of Asian American for Civil Rights |
Brooklyn |
NY |
35 |
Colin Feng, Asian Professionals Association is SW FL |
Fort myers |
FL |
36 |
37 |
D. H. Realty & Management Inc. |
NY |
NY |
38 |
Dallas Fort Worth Chinese Alliance |
Dallas |
TX |
39 |
Dermatopathology services |
New Orleans |
LA |
40 |
Fukien American Association |
New York |
NY |
41 |
Great Broadway INV LLC |
Los Angeles |
CA |
42 |
Great Neck Chinese Rifle Association |
43 |
Guizhou American association |
NYCity |
NY |
44 |
Henglong USA |
45 |
Hope Medical Consultation Service Group |
Brea |
CA |
46 |
Hotel Chinese Association of USA |
NY |
NY |
47 |
Huaxia New York Central Chinese School |
48 |
IAPAC I-Chinese American Political Action Committee |
49 |
Inland Chinese American Alliance |
Riverside |
CA |
50 |
Inland Empire Elite Mutual Association |
Riverside |
CA |
51 |
Inland Riverside Chinese School |
Riverside |
CA |
52 |
International Institute for Hakka Studies |
53 |
Jin Lan Association |
54 |
JKW investment Group |
55 |
Kansas City Chinese American Association |
56 |
Lancaster Chinese Association (PA) |
57 |
Lane Tech College Prep High School |
Chicago |
IL |
58 |
Legal Immigrant Association |
Irvine |
CA |
59 |
LiRen Community Inc |
60 |
Main Line Chinese Culture Center |
Philadelphia |
PA |
61 |
Malaysia Association of America |
NY |
62 |
Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities |
63 |
Midwest Chinese Teacher Aliance |
Chicago |
IL |
64 |
Midwest USA Chinese Chamber of Commerce |
Cincinnati |
OH |
65 |
National Council of Chinese Americans |
66 |
New England Chinese American Alliance |
67 |
New Orleans Chinese Association |
68 |
New Vision W Consulting Inc |
NY |
NY |
69 |
New York City Residents Alliance |
NY |
70 |
New York Taishan Folks Association |
Brooklyn |
NY |
71 |
NY |
NY |
72 |
OCA-Wisconsin Chapter |
Milwaukee |
WI |
73 |
Ohio Chinese Culture Link |
74 |
OR Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association |
Portland |
OR |
75 |
Peking University Alumni Association in Chicago |
Chicago |
IL |
76 |
Portland Lee Association |
Portland |
OR |
77 |
Retired Federal Employee |
MD |
78 |
79 |
Shanghang Hakka Association of North America |
80 |
Sino-America Educational Research Association-Atlanta |
81 |
Texas Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs (TXACE) |
82 |
Texas Christian University |
83 |
The Enping Commerce of NY |
Brooklyn |
NY |
84 |
The Greater Houston Chinese Alliance |
85 |
The Huntsville Chinese association |
86 |
The peninsula NY |
NY |
NY |
87 |
The University of Tennessee |
Knoxville |
TN |
88 |
Ting jiang Hight School Alumni United Association Of America |
New York |
NY |
89 |
New York |
NY |
90 |
Tri-Cities Chinese Association |
Johnson City |
TN |
91 |
UCA - NJ |
92 |
93 |
UCA? |
94 |
95 |
96 |
United Chinese American |
Evanston |
IL |
97 |
United Chinese American of Oregon |
98 |
United Chinese Americans? |
99 |
United Chinese Association of Utah |
Salt Lake City |
UT |
100 |
University of Michigan Association of Chinese Professors |
101 |
US BeiShuang Association |
Brooklyn |
NY |
102 |
US Vancouver Chinese Association |
103 |
Wisconsin Chinese Chamber of Commerce |
104 |
world association of Chinese Elites |
105 |
Zhejiang Association of GA |
106 |
Zhenjiang Association of America Gorp |
New York |
NY |