哈佛:Embedding ethics in computer science curriculum


Embedding ethics across the curriculum helps computer science students see how ethical issues can arise from many contexts, issues ranging from the way social networks facilitate the spread of false information to censorship to machine-learning techniques that empower statistical inferences in employment and in the criminal justice system.

Courses in artificial intelligence and machine learning are obvious areas for ethical discussions, but Embedded EthiCS also has built modules for less-obvious pairings, such as applied algebra.

Curriculum at a glance

A sampling of classes from the Embedded EthiCS pilot program and the issues they address

  • Great Ideas in Computer Science
    The ethics of electronic privacy

  • Introduction to Computer Science II
    Morally responsible software engineering

  • Networks
    Facebook, fake news, and ethics of censorship

  • Programming Languages
    Verifiably ethical software systems

  • Design of Useful and Usable Interactive Systems
    Inclusive design and equality of opportunity

  • Introduction to AI
    Machines and moral decision making

  • Autonomous Robot Systems
    Robots and work

