how hard it is to be funny in one\'s second language HuangXi.

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Have you ever been in a show of standing comidians? 

I have.

do you like it?

not really. 

why not? 

I did not get what others laughed about.

so. You need to do some homework, like below.


10 Things You Didn't Know Inspired The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Dec 11, 2019
57.9K subscribers
Why is the story of Midge, a fictional Jewish comedian in the ‘50s so gripping and relatable? One of the reasons is the show's dedication to authenticity!  The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is a loving homage to the culture of mid-century Jewish comedy and the Jewish value of connecting to one's roots. How did the showrunners and actors capture Judaism so genuinely? Let us know what you think in the comments section. --------- Make sure you subscribe and watch our other videos: GET SOCIAL @ UNPACKED ___________ 10 Things You Didn't Know Inspired The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel alex borstein rachel brosnahan mrs maisel season 3
Mr. Rudy Bigboote
It’s not mentioned in this video but I really like that the show pays homage to the great female bassist from the 50’s and 60’s Carol Kaye. The bassist in Shy Baldwins’ band is a woman named Carol, she wears the same style of glasses that Kaye wore and she even bears a resemblance to Kaye. It’s subtle but as a bassist myself I immediately recognized the reference. Just another example of how the producers of this show went all out to achieve that authenticity.
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I love the fact that the actor who plays Lenny Bruce really looks like him
I feel like Rachel Brosnahan was born for a role like Mrs Maisel's, killer lines too. Can't wait for season 4!
I have far more empathy for Shy Baldwin who is actually Johnny Mathis than I do for Lenny Bruce who caused his own demise. Johnny dealt with racism and not being allowed to stay in the hotels he performed in and having to hide that he was gay none of which he could control. The way Midge keeps Shy's secret and the friendship they form is a lovely relationship but it's sad the way it ended.
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Freya Stott
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has captured Judaism, the 50s/60s era and the fashion of the times in the best and most authentic way imaginable, everything about this show is awesome. I can't wait for season 4. Thank you to the producers, directors, story writes, actors, the actors are amazing, omg I can go on for ever, thank you to everyone that has made this show the best show ever ??????
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B. Ellen Wesley
Love this! It is wonderful how you opened up the show. It is so true to our Jewish culture. I do standup for my sanity. My Dad was a 6’3” Bronx Jew who worked at The Concord in summers as a young man. He became a physician. I did too. He loved standup too. He was way cooler than me. Thanks for this!
Nervous Energy
I love “The Maize” Never knew the 50’s to be so colorful and elegant.
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If I dont get the jokes, just be a dumb, others would think I am funny, simple as that

如果没看过这个电影the bridge too far ,可能还不能感受到下面这段对话可笑之处,先看一遍,我到后面解释

[an SS officer is approaching under a white flag]

Major Harry Carlyle : Rather interesting development, sir.

[to the German]

Major Harry Carlyle : That's far enough! We can hear you from there!

SS Panzer Officer : My general says there is no point in continuing this fighting! He wishes to discuss terms of a surrender!

Major Harry Carlyle : Shall I answer him, sir?

Lt. Col. John Frost : Tell him to go to hell.

Major Harry Carlyle : We haven't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner! Sorry!

SS Panzer Officer : [confused] What?

Major Harry Carlyle : We'd like to, but we can't accept your surrender! Was there anything else?

[German officer walks off]

Lt. Col. John Frost : Well, that's that.


英军指挥拒绝投降,于是英军回答: 抱歉,我们愿意接受你们投降,我们没那个能力接受你们这么多俘虏。


傻在那里, 滑稽可爱得不要不要的,

所以我在那种场合,就总是扮演那个德国小兵,给别人当个笑料。 就这么简单


See you tomorrow
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As I began to love myself, poem by 查理卓别林
feel the mean... ...
kiss principle
您的位置: 文学城 ? 论坛 ? 美语世界 ? 又出bug了回不了 TJKCB的帖,be a dumb then, simple as that,举例
? In reality, in a comedian's show, the comedian is the center of -In reality, in a comedian's show, the comedian is the center of attention, not me. After the show, nobody cares much about how I felt, just talking dryly.
TJKCB- ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 TJKCB 的个人群组 (175 bytes) (5 reads) 02/22/2021 postreply 17:13:19

? 我也跟不了TJKCB的帖。那种时候还那么幽默,幽默真是骨子里的。“ 滑稽可爱得不要不要的”,哪里这种人都受欢迎。谁不喜欢轻松啊: -beautifulwind- ♀ 给 beautifulwind 发送悄悄话 beautifulwind 的博客首页 beautifulwind 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 02/22/2021 postreply 18:17:07

? Western-style humor respects your dignity, rarely laughing at yo -Western-style humor respects your dignity and privacy, rarely laughing at you when you're down: such as looking foolish, misfortune, or dumb. TJKCB- ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 TJKCB 的个人群组 (162 bytes) (0 reads) 02/22/2021 postreply 20:26:44