"Despite an extensive vaccination campaign, coronavirus cases in Israel remain high and show little sign of decreasing." About 80 percent of new cases in Israel this week have been linked to the British variant #B117. https://t.co/j6nja6nPcd
— Josie Glausiusz ?'??? ??????? ???? ???????? (@josiegz) February 3, 2021


After #b117 was identified in England and seemed to be taking off there, many people like me started looking at Denmark for clues.
— Kai Kupferschmidt (@kakape) February 4, 2021
Why Denmark? It sequences a lot! Here is a graph from @ECDC_EU from late December showing EU sequencing (look at B and note that it’s a log-scale): pic.twitter.com/E8WZk2IoKz
It varies across the US, but around 3% of covid infections are now the B.1.1.7 strain. Doubles every 10 days. By March 23rd, they will be 50%.
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) February 7, 2021
This is the time to gear up, not when we are on the steep part of the curve.https://t.co/MSqauFkDjd pic.twitter.com/92mvM0eIVF
Here are some key dates, case numbers
— Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH (@ashishkjha) February 7, 2021
December 10: 5.8 new cases / 100K
Dec 17: 7.9 new cases / 100K
Dec 24: 16.9 new cases / 100K
Dec 31: 27.3 new cases / 100K
In 3 weeks, number of new cases went up more than 4X
Ireland went into full lockdown end of December
7) And again Denmark ???????? CDC agrees with that assessment. Their model for R of 0.8 shows it is insufficient to defeat #B117. But its model for R 0.7 shows it can be enough. https://t.co/gOq0put4H5 pic.twitter.com/wMSi6Wulp9
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 5, 2021
8) The problem is that of the declining states, only 1 state is under R 0.7... which is Wyoming (figure below sorted from lowest to highest R). Every other state’s R is over 0.7. Thus while they would yield decreases now—they won’t once #B117 takes over. https://t.co/EWqtBZpsuh pic.twitter.com/txi7VbVDwo
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 5, 2021

THIS JUST IN????????????
— Beth Malicki (@BethMalicki) February 5, 2021
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds' new Emergency Proclamation starting Sunday:
DeSantis’ herd immunity plan in full effect for Super Bowl early this am in Tampa pic.twitter.com/hT1wgVhAv0
— Daniel Uhlfelder (@DWUhlfelderLaw) February 7, 2021
Holy cow: 10% of the village of Corzano ???????? has the #B117 variant—10% of all residents! 60% of cases are kids from kindergarten and primary school, other 40% are their parents, says the mayor. Schools in the village now closed. https://t.co/LhfmnuPdUP pic.twitter.com/htN5s0dbCU
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 5, 2021
Denmark???????? even more worried than ever about new #B117 variant—B117 cases increasing 70% a week **despite strict lockdown**, says Denmark’s CDC genome sequencing *every single case in the country* for mutation. By contrast, ???????? sequencing 0.3%. #COVID19 ????https://t.co/SPTy0cDkEH pic.twitter.com/8fCCyPwxPW
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) January 24, 2021
Thanks for sharing @kakape. Have you seen the data that #B117 has hit 19.1% of all cases now, up from 12.8% last week? pic.twitter.com/6cFNzEVRZE
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 5, 2021

Penny Moore and Alex Sigal and colleagues now report on antibodies from AZ ChAdOx vaccinated people, and there was a dramatic loss of function against the B1351 variant. It appears to be more than a 20x reduction. A complete loss of neutralization in most individuals (~80%). pic.twitter.com/ZkhI7hYzBG
— Shane Crotty (@profshanecrotty) February 8, 2021
Scoop: The Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine does not appear to offer protection against mild and moderate disease caused by the variant first identified in South Africa, according to a study seen by the Financial Times. https://t.co/m0y3EmQPlH
— Donato Paolo Mancini (@donatopmancini) February 6, 2021
This slide summarises what we (don't) know about B.1.351 variant & the efficacy of different vaccines. In the meantime, given B.1.351 is the dominant variant in SA, AZ rollout has been put on temporary hold awaiting clinical efficacy information. (6/6) (https://t.co/B0Qn0X0QUi) pic.twitter.com/zv9pFfptqZ
— Muge Cevik (@mugecevik) February 7, 2021
2) Moreover, they believe the 11 samples of #b117 variant that acquired the new E484K acquired them independently of each other (not just one single origin). This suggests convergent evolution taking place—where it evolves to acquire E484K separately—which indicates it is key. pic.twitter.com/RuIDxaRnni
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 1, 2021
7) moreover, the new E484K in B117 seems to have evolved separately in 2 different lineages of #B117 & somehow both **convergently evolved** to find E484K. here is the genome lineage @nextstrain map—one evolved in ???????????????????????????? and one separately in ????????????????????????????. Bad sign when you see convergence. pic.twitter.com/01SA8uZGh7
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 4, 2021
First results (yes, really!) on what #b117 + E484K might mean from @GuptaR_lab:
— Kai Kupferschmidt (@kakape) February 2, 2021
?Introduction of the E484K mutation in a B.1.1.7 background to reflect newly emerging viruses in the UK led to a more substantial loss of neutralizing activity by vaccine-elicited antibodies“ pic.twitter.com/sKCkh16Kvr
1/ E484K in the UK. We seem to see E484K on at least 6 different backgrounds. B.1.351 and P.2 are imported lineages, originating in South Africa and Brazil. B.1.1.7 and A.23.1 seem to have acquired E484K within the UK. I'm not sure about the other B.1 lineages. pic.twitter.com/eIl9AwFryY
— Theo Sanderson (@theosanderson) February 7, 2021
5) How much affect? the E484K shows a 10x reduction of neutralization (“neutralization” = stopping the virus)
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 1, 2021
by various antibodies compared to wildtype (common #SARSCoV2) in some patients —a rather bad thing. It means the virus with E484K is worrying for “immune escape”. pic.twitter.com/teH66C2EpA
"We're going to run out of demand sooner than we think. At some point in March and certainly by the end of March we're going to have to make this generally available ... everyone is going to be able to go online and get an appointment sooner than we think," says @ScottGottliebMD. pic.twitter.com/0mnWAUJN9J
— Squawk Box (@SquawkCNBC) February 8, 2021