Oh man, guess we have to do supermicro chip saga again
— Pwn All The Things (@pwnallthethings) February 12, 2021
I don’t know how you publish something like this after the technical and corporate and government pushback you got last round without going to an outside source and describing to readers what this means and whether it’s feasible/has been seen.
— Graham Webster (@gwbstr) February 12, 2021
From the Biden family to yours, happy #LunarNewYear. We wish you happiness, health, and prosperity in the Year of the Ox. pic.twitter.com/sOHEzdFH0D
— President Biden (@POTUS) February 12, 2021
世卫调查小组访问武汉寻求习惯病毒源头,中国自然紧张,官媒制造了诸多阴谋论,在于转移视线,但这是小学水平的搅浑水,能糊弄什么人呢?中国这么做的原因当然是心虚,但同时世界反华势力确实想用失职、掩盖一事将中国置于死地,拜登政府公开说不接受世卫的报告(White House cites ‘deep concerns’ about WHO report on Covid-19, demands early data from China | South China Morning Post),而不是仅仅说要希望报告出笼后细读再下结论,给人一种如果不是美国想要的结论就不会接受的感觉,这已经不是川普当局,而是拜登当局了,还是一个腔调,在这种新国际环境下,中国想认错也不敢,只能继续用控制信息流通和言论的方式与外界共同调查,更加深了外界觉得中国隐瞒真相的印象。
This was NOT my experience either on the Epi-side. We DID build up a good relationsship in the Chinese/Int Epi-team! Allowing for heated arguments reflects a deep level of engagement in the room. Our quotes are intendedly twisted casting shadows over important scientific work. https://t.co/elL5qrKCxk
— Thea K Fischer, Prof. i PH Virus Inf. og Epidemier (@TheaKFischer) February 13, 2021
This thread???????? and the article
— Samir Saran (@samirsaran) February 14, 2021
1) China will continue to hide/ lie
2) @WHO is willingly or unwittingly part of China’s #disinformation campaign
3) Time for an independent enquiry by like minded countries-#COVID19
My take- if we don’t do it, be ready for persistent bio threats https://t.co/PouXbbWtpo
Sending warm wishes to all those around the world who are celebrating Losar. May Tibet’s rich traditions symbolizing love, compassion, justice, forgiveness, tolerance, and peace live on in those who celebrate today, just as they have for centuries. pic.twitter.com/kmPoWgrpaw
— Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) February 13, 2021