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Once upon a midnight dreary

There arose a traveler weary.

He had with him a dragon’s tooth

Which he took to his favorite booth.

The merchant there would give him naught but a pence

So he threw his wares over the fence.

A passerby saw the tooth shining

And picked it up, smiling.

Upon the tooth there was a fairy

Who was picking a strawberry.

The traveler took the tooth to the greatest magician,

For finding the meaning was his mission.

The magician could find no meaning,

So he threw it into the rubbish heap, gleaming.

The tooth fell and fell into a dark hole, 

and when it returned, it had become a mole.

The mole went to find some cheese,

Feeling this task could be accomplished with ease.

The mole trekked across the land,

Eventually getting buried in sand.

All of a sudden, the mole heard a spell

Telling him how to ring a bell

The mole rung the bell, and saw the light

For the first time, he had gained his sight.

