文薇 - 梁山伯与祝英台小提琴协奏曲(余隆指挥中国爱乐乐团,电影版)Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto - Wen Wei (Yu Long conducts CPO)
Wow, Marvelous! BEAUTIFUL! The affectionate and exquisite violinist Wen Wei talks with Philharmonic Orchestra, reflecting on the Chinese pavilion garden landscape and the audience's emotion - all intertwine! I caught up so enchanted by her gracious interpretation of the classical music – heart-stirring music breezes like the peach blossoms on dedicated listeners' faces. I've heard this piece of Violin Concerto countless times, the melody of the music for a sad Butterfly love story, and this is the first time my tears have filled my eyes.
This meticulous production combines classic and modern, tradition and innovation, the variety of the East and the West, and the audience's stage.
Wen Wei (文薇),1981年7月2日出生于四川成都, 3岁起随小叔叔文有信学习小提琴, 1993年考入了四川音乐学院附中跟随杨宝智学琴。十六岁被选送到澳洲音乐学院深造,之后又凭借优秀的成绩进入世界最高音乐学府—美国朱丽亚音乐学院,获得迪雷奖学金及艾琳钻石奖学金。 小提琴演奏家,四川音乐学院教授。