中美关系的寒冬将会持续很长的时间,绝不可能是仅经历一个阿拉斯加的冰雪天。或许这些措辞激烈的语句只是说给各自的国内观众听的,我希望随后的几天会谈不要触碰到谷底。已经有人将此相互的针锋相对,与WWI 的前夜相类比了。
以前的梦想是耶鲁校友坐在一起谈天说地,因为他们分别是中美两国的总统,谈的是在耶鲁美轮美奂的住宿学院的共同美好人生。美国和日本交战时,双方的将军都有出自美国军校的,包括西点军校的毕业生。如今的形势使耶鲁校友担任大国的General Secretary的可能性几乎是零,除非他脱胎换骨骂遍那些呕心沥血教育他的耶鲁教授。现在这场面实现了,Jake Sullivan (沙利文)作为耶鲁校友很有可能孩子在耶鲁读书,杨洁篪是耶鲁老爸无疑,所以现在是耶鲁老爸们在指点中美的江山。
我己经从美国媒体核实了,杨洁篪确实是耶鲁老爸,他在担任驻美大使时女儿毕业于克林顿和奥巴马总统的女儿就读过的私立高中,他们三位的女儿分别读了斯坦福、哈佛和耶鲁。记得克林顿竞选总统时,一直宣扬公立学校的重要性,结果入主白宫后仍然把女儿送入私立高中。欢迎杨洁篪加入到这些人士的光荣行列中,他们只有一个共同的头衔,那就是耶鲁老爸:布什总统,John Kerry, Bob Woodward, 骆家辉,李政道,肖传国,饶毅,林璎和雅美之途。
杨洁篪指责美国方面“严重超时,违反外交礼仪”,这个似乎站不住脚。因为以现场视频为依据,美国国务卿布林肯和国家安全顾问沙利文的讲话时间分别是2分27秒和2分17秒。杨洁篪主任和王毅外长的讲话时间分别为16分14 秒和4分9秒,王毅讲话锋芒毕露,但是这次教训美国人的重担落在了耶鲁老爸杨洁篪身上。取鲁校友沙利文应该也是始料不及,不知他是否在耶鲁政治联盟里学到了真本事。我读了规则,开场白是每人两分钟,杨洁篪使用了八倍的规定时间。美国无论是报告的开始和长短都是非常注意时间的,这个我们熟知, 这次谁违规已经很清楚了。
我们不清楚杨洁篪说那番话的前后语境是什么,但是布林肯说:“杨主任,王国委,鉴于你们超时的讲话,请允许我在进行下一步工作之前,再说几句。 我想,沙利文先生也想说几句”,所以可以肯定的是中国外交官拖了时间。很有可能,布林肯想在记者离开前再加些想说的内容,这时杨洁篪迎头痛击你们太沒教养。
再说一说有人认为:“在翻译杨委员的英文中,却错误的把”position of strength”翻译为 “以实力的地位出发。”。他认为应该翻译成:“我们应该扬长避短,当我们把伙伴和盟友联合起来,那么中国将不得不更加重视”。
我问:What did Blinken mean here concerning “from a position of strength “?(布林肯说“from a position of strength”是什么意思?)
儿子:Basically that the US will have a better negotiating position if it talks to and gets support from its allies. (基本上是说美国如果与自己的盟友商量并得到他们的帮助,美国将会有更好的谈判位置)
我再问:“But the interpreter translated “from a position of strength “ into “以实力的地位出发” right?”(但是翻译将“from a position of strength “翻译成“以实力的地位出发”正确吗?)
儿子:“Doesn’t seem wrong to me but you need the next few sentences for people to understand what it means ”(没有觉得错,但是你需要随后的几句话看它的意思)
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken:
I said that the United States relationship with China will be competitive where it should be, collaborative where it can be, adversarial where it must be. Our discussions here in Alaska, I suspect, will run the gamut. Our intent is to be direct about our concerns, direct about our priorities, with the goal of a more clear-eyed relationship between our countries moving forward.
... I have to tell you in my short time as secretary of State, I've spoken to I think nearly a hundred counterparts from around the world. And I just made my first trip, as I noted, to Japan and South Korea. I have to tell you what I'm hearing is very different from what you described. I'm hearing deep satisfaction that the United States is back, that we're reengaged with our allies and partners. I'm also hearing deep concern about some of the actions your government is taking.
We'll also discuss our deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyberattacks on the United States, economic coercion toward our allies. Each of these actions, threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability.
China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi:
China certainly in the past has not and in the future will not accept the unwarranted accusations from the U.S. side. In the past several years, China's legitimate rights and interests have come under outright suppression, plunging the China-U.S. relationship into a period of unprecedented difficulty.
... China urges the U.S. side to fully abandon the hegemony practice of willfully interfering in China's internal affairs. This has been a longstanding issue and it should be changed. It is time for it to change.
Chinese Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission, Yang Jiechi
China and the United States are both major countries, and both show the important responsibilities. We must both contribute to the peace, stability and the development of the world, in areas such as Covid-19, restoring economic activities in the world and responding to climate change.
There are many things that we can do together and where our interests converge. So what we need to do is to abandon the Cold War mentality and the zero-sum game approach.
... So let me say here that, in front of the Chinese side, the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength. The U.S. side was not even qualified to say such things even 20 years or 30 years back, because this is not the way to deal with the Chinese people. If the United States wants to deal properly with the Chinese side, then let's follow the necessary protocols and do things the right way.
Cooperation benefits both sides. In particular, this is the expectation of the people of the world. Well, the American people are certainly a great people, but so are the Chinese people.
U.S. national security advisor Jake Sullivan:
Secretary of State Blinken laid out many of the areas of concerns from economic and military coercion to assault on basic values that we'll discuss with you today and in the days ahead.
... We've heard each of these concerns from around the world, from our allies and partners and the broader international community during the intensive consultations we've undertaken these last two months. We'll make clear today that our overriding priority on the United States side is to ensure that our approach in the world and our approach to China benefits the American people and protects the interests of our allies and partners.
We do not seek conflict but we welcome stiff competition and we will always stand up for our principles for our people and for our friends.
It's also important for all of us to come together to build a new type of international relations, featuring fairness, justice, and mutual respect. And on some regional issues, I think the problem is that the United States has exercised long jurisdiction and suppression and over stretched.
... The United States itself does not represent international public opinion and neither does the Western world. Whether judged by population scale or the trend of the world, the Western world does not represent the global public opinion. So we hope that when talking about universal values or international public opinion on the part of the United States, we hope the U.S. side will think about whether it feels reassured saying those things because the U.S. does not represent the world. It only represents the government of the United States.
Secretary Blinken and I are proud of the story about America we're able to tell here, about a country that under President Biden's leadership has made major strides to control the pandemic, to rescue our economy and to affirm the strength and staying power of our democracy. We're particularly proud of the work that we've done to revitalize our alliances and partnerships, the foundation of our foreign policy.
And the United States has its style, United States-style democracy. And China has the Chinese-style democracy. It is not just up to the American people, but also the people of the world, to evaluate how the United States has done in advancing its own democracy. In China's case, after decades of reform and opening up, we have come a long way in various fields.
... We believe that it is important for the United States to change its own image and to stop advancing its own democracy in the rest of the world. Many people within the United States actually have little confidence in the democracy of the United States and they have various views regarding the government of the United States in China.
A hallmark of our leadership, of our engagement in the world is our alliances and our partnerships that had been built on a totally voluntary basis. And it is something that President Biden is committed to reinvigorating and strengthening. And there's one more hallmark of our leadership here at home and that's a constant quest to as we say, form a more perfect union.
And that quest, by definition, acknowledges our imperfections acknowledges that we're not perfect. We make mistakes. We, we have reversals we take steps back. But what we've done throughout our history is to confront those challenges, openly, publicly, transparently. Not trying to ignore them. Not trying to pretend they don't exist. Not trying to sweep them under the rug. And sometimes it's painful. Sometimes it's ugly. But each and every time we've come out stronger, better, more united, as a country.
I recall well when President Biden was vice president and we were visiting China ... and Vice President Biden at the time said it's never a good bet to bet against America, and that remains true today.