不久前美中两国外长对话,是在王毅杨洁篪三番五次求爷爷告奶奶,美国以不点名方式谴责中国好几个星期后才举行,双方客客气气把对方骂了一遍【1】,我当时说美国的做法是“拜登政府一系列的动作都是精心计划的,目的是给中国白眼,就是不理你,就是公开给你难堪,其目的更加恶劣,是为了告示全世界中国(政府)是个不合法的国家(政府)(illegitimate)”,因为“中国的一切行为都是为了推翻美国领头的世界秩序(American led liberal democracy),潜台词是美国受伤了”,中国伤害了美国人民的感情。之后拜登与习近平通话,也就是为了赶在新年之前,给习近平一个面子,两个多小时不知说了什么,从公报来看就是彼此表明大家别开打(红线)【2】,后来拜登采访时一副脑子不好使的样子,说他理解习近平,因为中国有中国的规矩,说不定拜登心里真的这么想,虽然一阵哗然,但西方解释说美国普世价值的出发点不变,中国种族灭绝之类的还是种族灭绝,也就掩盖过去了。然而,美国政府接着采用与全世界对话,就是不跟中国对话的那一套,把中国晾在一边【3】。
“China has not been fully and effectively transparent either at the start of this crisis when it mattered most, or even today as investigations are going forward,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said about China’s lack of transparency with the coronavirus. pic.twitter.com/ePubPYinhG
5. But it is only one part of the story. The United States has done much the same thing on a much larger scale. Rather than just denying businesses or countries access to its internal market, it has denied them access to the machineries that allow global markets to work.
EU Sets 2030 Target to Produce Cutting-Edge Semiconductors
South Korea and Taiwan’s Chip Power Rattles the U.S. and China
ASML extends sales deal with Chinese chipmaker SMIC to end of 2021
“This (sale) is a slap in the face to the NSCAI recommendations and shows how big the gap with allies is on these issue,” a U.S. semiconductor executive said on condition of anonymity.
A source close to President Joe Biden’s administration, however, said the administration was more focused on the next wave of technological competition with China.