肩部 MRI 报告

Thicking with increased signal in the supraspinatue and subscapularis consistent with moderate tendinopathy. Undersurface fraying / low-grade partial tearing but no full-thickness tear. The reminder of the rotator cuff is intact. The muscle bulk of the rotator cuff is preserved. Moderate AC joint archrosis.  Mildly downsloping  acromion and  a small  subacromial spur. Increased fluid in the subacromial/subdeltoid bursa representative of moderate bursitis.
Increase fluid  around the biceps in the bicipital groove consistent with mild  tenosynovitis. Increased ireregular signal in the bicepts anchor consistent with a small SLAP lesion (superror labrum anteriou to posterior).

1. Supraspinatus and subscapularis tendinopathy with low-grade partial tearing
2. SA/SD bursitis
3. AC joint arthrosis and subacromial spur.
4. Bicipital tenosynovitis.
5. Small SLAP lesion.
