Table 2. Annual average tritium releases in effluents from the Mainland NPPs.
Plant Period
Tritium in airborne
effluents (Bq/a)
Tritium in liquid
effluents (Bq/a)
Qinshan NPP 1993–2009 6.54 × 1011 2.97 × 1012
Qinshan NPP II 2002–9 1.64 × 1011 1.71 × 1013
Qinshan NPP III 2003–9 3.69 × 1013 3.35 × 1013
Daya Bay NPP 1994–2009 9.57 × 1011 4.29 × 1013
LingAo NPP 2002–9 6.35 × 1011 4.05 × 1013
Tritium release during nuclear power operation in China
D J Yang1, X Q Chen1 and B Li1
Published 4 May 2012 • IOP Publishing Ltd
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