说起电影,有人看过 ”Midsommar“吗?

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一部2019年的,美国拍的电影,讲发生在Scandinavia 的故事。Midsommar应该是瑞典语,意思就是Mid Summer.

Midsummer在北欧是个象圣诞一样重要的节日。魁省的“省庆日“ St John Baptiste和Midsummer是同源的。不同的是,北欧各国的Midsummer不是固定的某天,但魁省是固定在六月二十四号的。

维基百科上摘段关于瑞典的: ”In Sweden Midsummer's day is a Saturday between the 19th and 26th of June, but as is usual in Sweden the actual celebration is on the eve, i.e. a Friday between the 18th and 25th of June. Midsummer's Eve is a de facto public holiday in Sweden with offices and many shops closed.”


