Kampo (汉方)在日本

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根据wiki 上的信息,日本政府对汉方在日本的应用有严格的规范,汉方在日本有广泛的应用。日本国家医保包括对国家批准的汉方药物。


用 google translate 翻译了其中两段,括号内的汉方是我为了阅读方便加进去的。

『如今,在日本,甘榜 (汉方)已被纳入日本的国家卫生保健系统。 1967年,厚生劳动省批准了四种Kampō (汉方)药品,用于根据国家健康保险(NHI)计划进行报销。 1976年,厚生劳动省批准了82种坎波(汉方)药物。这一数字已增加到148种Kampo (汉方)配方提取物,241种粗制药物和5种粗制药物制剂。[4]

日本Kampō (汉方) 传统没有像传统中药那样修改配方,而是根据中医经典文献以标准化比例使用草药的固定组合。 Kampō (汉方) 药品由多家制造商生产。但是,根据卫生部的标准化方法,每种药物均由完全相同的成分组成。因此,这些药物是在与制药公司不相上下的严格生产条件下制备的。 2000年10月,一项全国性研究报告说,有72%的注册医生开了Kampō (汉方) 药品。[5]正在使用现代技术评估新的Kampō (汉方) 药物,以评估其作用机理。


Today in Japan, Kampō is integrated into the Japanese national health care system. In 1967, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare approved four Kampō medicines for reimbursement under the National Health Insurance (NHI) program. In 1976, 82 kampo medicines were approved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. This number has increased to 148 Kampo formulation extracts, 241 crude drugs, and 5 crude drug preparations.[4]

Rather than modifying formulae as in Traditional Chinese medicine, the Japanese Kampō tradition uses fixed combinations of herbs in standardized proportions according to the classical literature of Chinese medicine. Kampō medicines are produced by various manufacturers. However, each medicine is composed of exactly the same ingredients under the Ministry's standardization methodology. The medicines are therefore prepared under strict manufacturing conditions that rival pharmaceutical companies. In October 2000, a nationwide study reported that 72% of registered physicians prescribe Kampō medicines.[5] New Kampō medicines are being evaluated using modern techniques to evaluate their mechanism of action.
