打印 被阅读次数
Quantitative easing: how the world got hooked on magicked-up money - Prospect Magazine
Watch China’s GDP for Signs of Post-Pandemic Slowdown - Bloomberg
A Weaker Yuan May Be Beijing's Inflation Salve for the World - Bloomberg
S. Eich, Independence from What? – Just Money
Greg Ip on Twitter: "Most of the inflation handwringing is over traditional demand-driven inflation. But the real threat is supply-driven inflation, and it explains the growing worries over the recovery's health. My column. https://t.co/uEmQg8FXEf" / Twitter
How Inflation Threatens the Recovery - WSJ
U.S.-China Goods Trade Booms as If Virus, Tariffs Never Happened - Bloomberg
How China Is Helping to Damp Global Inflation - WSJ
阎学通:新时代外交,中国如何发出自己的声音? (guancha.cn)
Becoming Strong - Foreign Affairs
田飞龙:“一国两制”方案,不能只想着怎样给台湾更高的自治权 (guancha.cn)
The current exodus from Hong Kong isn’t like pre-1997 – these people won’t be returning. And that changes the city | South China Morning Post
袁鹏:新冠疫情与百年变局 - 爱思想
Philippines: Asia Cannot Afford South China Sea War – Eurasia Review
The Myth of Authoritarian Superiority: China’s Response to Covid-19 Revisited (prcleader.org)
The West isn’t dying – its ideas live on in China (newstatesman.com)
The legacy of 9/11 - Prospect Magazine
Why there is no solution to our age of crisis without China (newstatesman.com)
Asia Digital Deal Raises Hope U.S. to Rejoin TPP Successor - Bloomberg
Infrastructure bill: Here's what's in it - CNNPolitics
However, it is far short of the $2.25 trillion proposal that President Joe Biden unveiled in March
$550bn (Biden ask $2.3T)
The Infrastructure Plan: What’s In and What’s Out - The New York Times
Biden’s China Policy Borrows From Trump and Adds Allies to Raise Pressure - WSJ
Digital colonialism: The evolution of US empire - Longreads (tni.org)
【1】赵立坚说中方在天津更不吃美方这一套-新华网 (xinhuanet.com)


Globalization Isn’t in Decline: It’s Changing | (ecipe.org)
Why Tianjin? And what’s in store in China for US envoy Wendy Sherman? | South China Morning Post
China promises US a ‘tutorial’ in how to treat other countries equally ahead of deputy secretary of state Wendy Sherman’s visit | South China Morning Post
“我们有责任给美国补上这一课”_王毅 (sohu.com)
U.S.-Asia Digital Pact Held Up by Squabble Among Biden Officials - WSJ
Joe Biden Worries That China Might Win - The Atlantic
【】中方决定对前美商务部长罗斯等7个美方人员和实体实施制裁 (guancha.cn)
【】The Intellectual Foundations of the Biden Revolution - Foreign Policy
Washington’s Democracy Dilemma | Foreign Affairs
Michael Lind
Foreign War Has Not Made America a Garrison State (nationalinterest.org)
Biden Isn’t Ending the Forever Wars. He’s Rebranding Them. | The New Republic
Biden’s Dangerous China Doctrine (foreignpolicy.com)
China’s Sputnik Moment? | Foreign Affairs
Fed up with the U.S., Ukraine cuts deals with China and shuts up about the Uyghurs (nbcnews.com)
Misplaced Restraint: The Quincy Coalition Versus Liberal Internationalism (tandfonline.com)
Calling 'liberal internationalism' what it is: American primacy – Responsible Statecraft
U.S. Foreign Policy Restraint—What It Is, What It’s Not | The National Interest
Soft Sells: On Liberal Internationalism | The Nation
Even a Short War Over Taiwan or the Baltics Would Be Horrific for Civilians (foreignpolicy.com)
Rachel Esplin Odell on Twitter: "Deeply important piece by @danmahanty of @CivCenter. This should be required reading for anyone pontificating on 'great power competition.' A US-China war could unleash a level of human devastation the world has never seen--certainly not in my lifetime. https://t.co/TAfnRL6mO3" / Twitter
The Problem with Biden’s Democracy Agenda - War on the Rocks
If Biden wants to bring about a democratic revival — to lead, as he constantly (and rightly) says, by the “power of our example” — he should focus on getting America’s own house in order. Until then, less preaching and a little humility are called for
"American Exceptionalism" for the 21st Century - by Kate Kizer - Foreign Exchanges
Biden Can Do Better Than Trump’s China Policy - The American Prospect
外交部副部长谢锋在天津同美国常务副国务卿舍曼会谈 (guancha.cn)
China lays down “four stops” for visiting Dep Sec of State Wendy Sherman
US-China relations: Beijing lays down red lines for first time in Sherman meeting | South China Morning Post
美媒淡化中方两份清单,“他们甚至没勇气面对这一现实” (guancha.cn)
AP Interview: US calls on China to be responsible power | The State
王毅会见美国常务副国务卿舍曼:向美方提出三条底线 | 新浪新闻
Biden Accuses Russia of Already Interfering in 2022 Election | Voice of America
Biden referred to both Russia and China as "possibly mortal competitors down the road."
the U.S. president said that Chinese President Xi Jinping "is deadly earnest about becoming the most powerful military force in the world, as well as the largest and most prominent economy in the world" by the mid-2040s.
拜登放话:若美国与某大国打“热战”,导火索是“网络攻击” (guancha.cn)
欧美澳日官员发声明支持第二阶段新冠溯源,中方表态 (guancha.cn)
The U.S. Air Force Is Sending Dozens Of F-22 Stealth Fighters To Practice For War With China (forbes.com)
Michael Pettis on Twitter: "1/5 I am not on the inside so I don't know how well the meeting went, but from the press reports I'd say not terribly well. I'd add three things. https://t.co/mblxmUFTs7 via @scmpnews" / Twitter
Geopolitical tensions and anti-foreign feelings have been rising among a wide range of countries, and for a variety of reasons
It will be especially difficult for Beijing to resolve its tensions with other countries – India, Japan, Australia, Europe, the UK, Brazil, the Philippines, and others – as long as it continues to insist that these tensions can only be blamed on actions by Washington
Biden’s China Strategy Meets Resistance at the Negotiating Table - The New York Times
“We believe our relationship can tolerate that nuance.”
They included human rights, quickly narrowing political freedoms in Hong Kong and what Ms. Sherman called “the horrifying actions taking place in Xinjiang,”
Ms. Sherman also raised China’s demands over Taiwan, its military operations in the South China Sea, and the accusations last week by the United States and other nations that China’s Ministry of State Security was behind the hacking
“We were quite direct with each other on the areas of great difference,” she said.
While Mr. Biden has largely avoided  the heated ideological sparring with the Chinese Communist Party that the Trump administration pursued in its final year,
The rules-based order meets its end - by Bruno Maçães - World Game
Smart comments
U.S. to stress need for 'guardrails' in Sherman's talks in China | Reuters
US to tell China it doesn't want to 'veer into conflict' - Nikkei Asia
Chinese Officials Blame U.S. for Stalemate in High-Level Talks - WSJ
“There are some things that rise above specific differences that are the global responsibility of great powers,” Ms. Sherman told the Associated Press in an interview after the meeting in Tianjin concluded.
I’m old enough to remember the Obama admin’s refusal to use Beijing’s “new type of great power relationship” 新型大国关系 language because it implied acknowledgment of peer status. Eric Hundman | 何諳銳
China says US relations at a ‘deadlock’ in high-level talks | Financial Times
China is defying US pressure to change its behaviour | Financial Times
Artyom Lukin on Twitter: "There is some cognitive dissonance when one country accuses another government of "genocide and crimes against humanity", but at the same time maintains a $560 bln annual trade relationship with the government in question. https://t.co/1fOIWeLzVW" / Twitter
US, China hold high-level talks, highlighting differences (apnews.com)
Beijing thrusts long lists of demands at Biden administration - POLITICO
China, US draw lines in the sand at top-level meeting but agree to keep talking | South China Morning Post
Deputy Secretary Sherman’s Visit to the People’s Republic of China - United States Department of State
“Despite our different views over the Hong Kong or the Uyghur cases, what Trump called the economic decoupling with China is something beyond our intentions and is contrary to our interests,” said Borrell
EU mulls review of China policy, again – POLITICO
In Stinging Rebuke, China Tells U.S. Diplomat That Its Rise Can’t Be Stopped, likely true, but the question of why the US should continue to help its rise is now mainstream and likely to be answered in a bipartisan way "we should not"
Opinion | Apocalypse Right Now - The New York Times
As Frozen Land Burns, Siberia Trembles - The New York Times
Humans have pushed the climate into ‘unprecedented’ territory, landmark U.N. report finds - The Washington Post
IPCC report’s verdict on climate crimes of humanity: guilty as hell | Climate change | The Guardian
‘Apocalyptic’ scenes hit Greece as Athens besieged by fire | Wildfires | The Guardian
Turkey wildfires: 'The animals are on fire,' say devastated farmers as wildfires sweep Turkey - CNN
Heat Wave Spread Fire That Erased Lytton, British Columbia - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Fires rage around the world: where are the worst blazes? | Wildfires | The Guardian
In the Atlantic Ocean, Subtle Shifts Hint at Dramatic Dangers - The New York Times
Oil producers face costly transition as world looks to net-zero future | Financial Times
Chapter 1: The Construction of Political Superiority - The China Story
China Crackdown Makes Hong Kong Index World’s Biggest Tech Loser - Bloomberg
No evidence the US has Australia’s back in its dispute with China, despite all the rhetoric | South China Morning Post
MEPs set out their vision for a new EU strategy for China - EU Reporter
We Can’t Go Back to a Golden Age of Capitalism (jacobinmag.com)
The Imperial Syndrome - JHI Blog(网站好像不错?)
Decolonize Intellectual History! An Agenda for the Capitalocene - JHI Blog
Big Tech calls for ‘regulation’ but is fuzzy on the details | Financial Times
Inside Amazon's Employment Machine - The New York Times
Amazon’s Greatest Weapon Against Unions: Worker Turnover | HuffPost
Amazon’s Ring is the largest civilian surveillance network the US has ever seen | Lauren Bridges | The Guardian
Unlocking anti-fragile China: How Xi reinforces the party state for global leadership | Merics
FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force to Address Short-Term Supply Chain Discontinuities | The White House
FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration 100-Day Battery Supply Chain Review | Department of Energy
Experts React: Assessing the White House 100-Day Supply Chain Review | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Biden Announces Next Steps in US Critical Supply Chain Review | IndustryWeek
Biden Administration Outlines Measures to Address Supply-Chain Issues - WSJ
Biden Administration Moves to Fix Supply Chain Bottlenecks - The New York Times
Biden to shore up supply chains for four sectors after 100-day reviews - POLITICO
Factbox: Biden supply-chain review yields measures on China | Reuters
Biden's Plan To Reduce Shortages Of Critical Products : NPR
Breaking Down the White House’s Supply Chain Recommendations (linkedin.com)
Craig Allen:
U.S.-China trade dispute harms Americans - POLITICO
China's Trade Data for H1 2021 Shows Stronger Than Expected Results (china-briefing.com)
China’s June exports make ‘surprise’ surge, but questions linger over trade outlook | South China Morning Post
China's export growth quickens as global vaccinations, easing lockdowns lift demand | Reuters
229% Surge in China-U.S. Shipping Costs Drives Inflation Pressure - BNN Bloomberg
海关总署:上半年我国自美国进口农产品增长120.8%_新浪财经_新浪网 (sina.com.cn)
U.S.-China Goods Trade Booms as If Virus, Tariffs Never Happened - BNN Bloomberg
and next and stuck-at-home U.S. consumers still shopping and importing in record amounts.
U.S. companies purchasing goods they can’t get elsewhere to meet elevated household demand fueled in part by trillions of dollars in government stimulus.
“We’ve seen the strong consumer demand that’s been occurring throughout the pandemic, and we’ve seen the import levels just go through the roof,”
The EU’s unsustainable China strategy | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank
Pepijn Bergsen on Twitter: "For my first solo think-tank report I analysed the EU's China strategy from an economic perspective and looked at the implications for transatlantic cooperation on China. Short ???? below and full report here: https://t.co/5C23Me87Va" / Twitter
Biden’s Plan to Cooperate With Europe on Tech (foreignpolicy.com)
EU starts work on rival to China’s Belt and Road Initiative – POLITICO
Biden and EU allies create tough week for China - POLITICO
Can China blunt the impact of new US economic sanctions? | PIIE
Institute for New Economic Thinking (ineteconomics.org)
‘Onshoring’ Is So Last Year. The New Lingo Is ‘Friend-Shoring’ - Bloomberg
The Challenge of Rebuilding U.S. Domestic Supply Chains (hbr.org)
The Biden administration adopted “ally-shoring” and spun it into “friend-shoring” in a 250-page report released this month titled Building Resilient Supply Chains, Revitalizing American Manufacturing, and Fostering Broad-Based Growth.
Rebuilding America’s economy and foreign policy with ‘ally-shoring’ (brookings.edu)
Official Talks DOD Policy Role in Chinese Pacing Threat, Integrated Deterrence > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Defense Department News
Trends, Timelines, and Uncertainty: an Assessment of the Military Balance in the Indo-Pacific - Shugart SFRC Testimony 17 Mar 2021 FINAL.docx (senate.gov)
China-made 14nm chips expected to be mass produced next year - CnTechPost
Chinese firm's 7nm GPU expected to tape out in Q3 - CnTechPost
U.S. Blocks Chinese Deal for Magnachip | EE Times
Huawei to run foundry biz (digitimes.com)
Huawei's 'HiSilicon Factory' to close chipset gap - Asia Times
Mapping China’s semiconductor ecosystem in global context: Strategic dimensions and conclusions | Merics
China set to achieve 14 nm breakthrough in 2022 | total telecom
China's first 12-inch wafer regeneration facility achieves mass production - CnTechPost
China hoards Semiconductor Equipment... A Surge in Purchases of US Equipment despite Public Regulations - ETNews
Global wafer semiconductor production capacity
ASML’s chip money machines | Financial Times
14nm chips will reach mass production in China next year | total telecom
March 2021: Results from China's Semiconductor Big Fund I | Tech Buzz China Insider

How Will Rich Country Fertility Ever Get Back Above Replacement? – Economist Writing Every Day
As the Two-Child Policy Beckons: Work–Family Conflicts, Gender Strategies and Self-Worth among Women from the First One-Child Generation in Contemporary China - Ye Liu, 2021 (sagepub.com)
Why More American Women are Delaying Motherhood in their 20s - The New York Times
Young American Adults Are Dying — and Not Just From Covid - Bloomberg
Justin Fox on Twitter: "Make a log chart of U.S. mortality rates by age group going back to 1900, and something really disturbing stands out https://t.co/bJAwx4uCo3 https://t.co/kD22A9Bk0r" / Twitter
Opinion | Not Everyone Is Worried About America’s Falling Birth Rates - The New York Times
China’s Coming Pro-Natalist Campaign | The National Interest
Debt, not demographics, will determine the future of China's economy | Fortune
China Considers Lifting All Childbirth Restrictions by 2025 - WSJ
The Pandemic Led To The Biggest Drop In U.S. Life Expectancy Since WWII, Study Finds : Coronavirus Updates : NPR
Gender Discrimination: China’s Three-Child Policy Hurts Working Women - Bloomberg
日韩内卷了,中国会是下一个吗? - 知乎
Demographics and the Future of South Korea - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
鼓励生育失效:美国生育率创41年新低!日韩也生不动了!专家点出关键原因 _ 东方财富网
‘OK Boomer,’ Retort Chinese Youth Accused of Being Lazy (sixthtone.com)
Jordan Ellenberg Wouldn’t Have Given the Nobel Prize to Bob Dylan - The New York Times
He Warned Apple About the Risks in China. Then They Became Reality. - The New York Times
The Left Tries to Talk Itself Out of Reality - Noah Rothman, Commentary Magazine
MIT Visualizing Cultures
战狼:The Man Behind China’s Aggressive New Voice - The New York Times(很显然报道对美国的作用轻描淡写)
Why China's Young People Are Embracing Chairman Mao - The New York Times“谁是我们的敌人?”:那些“拥抱”毛泽东的中国年轻人 - 纽约时报中文网
金星:LGBTQ先锋人物还是性别保守派? - 纽约时报中文网
“躺平学大师”:一个好的社会是可上可下的 - 纽约时报中文网
Has America had enough of war? | Financial Times
ASPI has Australia trapped under ice | The Canberra Times
Opinion | Trump’s reckless tariffs remain intact. Biden’s failure to reverse them has real consequences. - The Washington Post
Senate Poised to Pass Huge Industrial Policy Bill to Counter China - The New York Times(已经在别处记下了)
Biden Unveils Supply-Chain Plan to Boost Medicine, Chip Output - Bloomberg
Biden's Deputy Secretary of State Takes on China-U.S. Relations - The New York Times(Sherman)
As World Runs Short of Workers, a Boost for Wages—and Inflation - WSJ
The Bonds That Cried Major Default Risk - WSJ
China BoP (Part III): Back in the Manipulation Game? - Money: Inside and Out
China’s Foreign Technology Wish List - Center for Security and Emerging Technology (georgetown.edu)
A Better Bet on China’s Three-Child Policy - WSJ
When Will China's Economy Beat the U.S. to Become No. 1? Why It May Never Happen - Bloomberg
China’s 50% Slump in Pork Imports May Cool Global Food Costs - Bloomberg
China Is Carrying Out the World’s Largest Climate Migration Program - Bloomberg
Biden pushes for high-level meetings with Beijing officials | Financial Times(事后证明无此事)
America says it’s back. But where are its ambassadors? | The Economist
Rethink or reset? Joe Biden's dilemma over Mohammed bin Salman | Saudi Arabia | The Guardian(3月)
US expects Russia to submit. Will it? - Indian Punchline
中国的“东进西退”成了信念:How Beijing's Narrative of U.S. Decline Is Leading to Strategic Overconfidence (csis.org)
Analysis: Caught between China and the U.S., Asian countries stockpile powerful new missiles | Reuters
How America Can Push Back Against China's Aggression (foreignaffairs.com)
Can America Lose to China? | The National Interest(马凯硕)
Atlantic Council Pens Anonymously Authored Expose Calling for Regime Change in China (mintpressnews.com)
The risks China poses to global security | Niall Ferguson | The TLS (the-tls.co.uk)(综合非常简略的书评)
(社会学)Beyond Weber: Conceptualizing an alternative ideal type of bureaucracy in developing contexts (umich.edu)
Biden’s new China doctrine | The Economist
Joe Biden is determined that China should not displace America | The Economist
China Inc’s new inconspicuous expansion | The Economist
《经济学人》:高估自身实力误判盟友反应,拜登的中国学说行不通 (guancha.cn)
经济学人:拜登“新中国信条”误己误人大有问题 | www.wenxuecity.com
Does America Really Support Democracy—or Just Other Rich Democracies? | Foreign Affairs
Regime Change Is Not an Option in China | Foreign Affairs
Armed Low-Cost Drones, Made by Turkey, Reshape Battlefields and Geopolitics - WSJ
(建党百年)What Xi Jinping’s Major Speech Means For Taiwan | Council on Foreign Relations (cfr.org)
(历史角度看美中冷战)Cold war or uneasy peace: does defining US-China competition matter? | China | The Guardian
Imperialism After Empire | Boston Review
A Very Short History of Freedom and Violence | Boston Review
Disturbing actions by China signal cold war, Stephen Roach warns (cnbc.com)
China’s tech giants go on hiring spree for fresh graduates despite Beijing’s crackdown on the sector | South China Morning Post
Amid a historic crackdown on China’s tech sector, companies are also working to eliminate 996 work culture and answer Beijing’s call to boost employment?
How China achieved its poverty alleviation goal by seasoning its ‘stone soup’ strategy | South China Morning Post
How China became a market economy - Global Inequality and More 3.0
林毅夫:中国经济的前景与关键改革 - YouTube
Hayek’s Bastards: The Populist Right’s Neoliberal Roots (tribunemag.co.uk)
What Do Chinese People Think Is Happening in Xinjiang? – The Diplomat
Pompeo's Xinjiang Declaration Is Tainted by His Own Lack of Credibility (foreignpolicy.com)
李建新:我在南疆调研人口问题,发现一个现象 (guancha.cn)
Exclusive: How BCI’s predetermined guilty report on Xinjiang was made up? - Global Times(还好)
Room for 10,000: Inside China's largest detention center (apnews.com)
Xinjiang’s exports to the EU boom, despite political concerns over forced labour | South China Morning Post
Analysts: Uighur Jihadis in Syria Could Pose Threat | Voice of America - English (voanews.com)
The Uyghur Movement Needs to Recalibrate Away From Calls for Independence (foreignpolicy.com)
‘They Have My Sister’: As Uyghurs Speak Out, China Targets Their Families - The New York Times
Italy Releases Research Report on Xinjiang Issues: The U.S. Seeks Geopolitical Benefits in the Name of Human Rights | Blog Post - Newsdir3
曹雪涛团队主动撤回JBC论文,声明全部受质疑论文可重复和结果可靠 (qq.com)
Will Biden’s China Hawks Destroy His Climate Ambitions? | The New Republic
U.S and China Engage, Tentatively, on Climate Change - WSJ
China Targets AI, Chips Among Seven Battlefronts in Tech Race With U.S. - WSJ
Huawei Loses Cellular-Gear Market Share Outside China - WSJ
An SOS for the stranded seafarers who ship global trade | Financial Times
The seafarers left stranded by the pandemic | Financial Times
Joe Biden is approaching his moment of truth | Financial Times
Joe Biden’s popular stimulus reveals a changed America | Financial Times
Kumbh Mela: how a superspreader festival seeded Covid across India | India | The Guardian
India's Pandemic Deaths Likely Exceed 3 Million, Study Finds - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
India’s on Lists It Shouldn’t be on - The Economic Times - Delhi, 7/22/2021 (timesgroup.com)
US fiscal profligacy and the impending crisis - Asia Times
Biden administration and the Federal Reserve are abusing their power while China waits to assert its primacy in the world economy








Biden Wants to Build ‘From the Middle Out.’ Here’s What He Means - Bloomberg


外交部:30国领导人已公开接种中国疫苗 (guancha.cn)






Will COVID become a disease of the young? (nature.com)
TRENDING YOUNGER. Over half of Israel's new COVID-19 cases in the month up to 5 July were in people aged 19 and under.
It’s a trend that’s not restricted to Israel. In the United States and the United Kingdom, COVID-19 has “become a disease of the unvaccinated, who are predominantly young”, says Joshua Goldstein, a demographer at the University of California, Berkeley.
The Delta Variant Is the Symptom of a Bigger Threat: Vaccine Refusal - The New York Times
‘Ridiculous’: Vaccine Myths Cripple U.S. Uptake as Delta Surges - Bloomberg
@EBHarrington on COVID+ pandemic deniers & anti-vaxxers
National Demographic Analysis Tables: 2020 (census.gov)
The Justice Department’s China Initiative Threatens America’s Innovative Edge (foreignpolicy.com)
中国行动计划(CHINA INITIATIVE)到底是什么?
U.S. moves to drop visa fraud charges against Chinese researcher | Reuters
中美科技战华裔科学家首当其冲, 象牙塔内的间谍疑云 - BBC News 中文