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Time's Monster by Priya Satia review: How the British fool themselves about their colonial past (the-tls.co.uk)
Imperial Delusions | by Fara Dabhoiwala | The New York Review of Books
When Pop History Bombs: A Response to Malcolm Gladwell’s Love Letter to American Air Power (lareviewofbooks.org)
Illusions of empire: Amartya Sen on what British rule really did for India | India | The Guardian
China Repackages Its History in Support of Xi’s National Vision - WSJ
毛泽东长子毛岸英之死 中共否认因蛋炒饭送命 | 复辟文革 | 百年党庆 | 篡改党史 | 新唐人
China whitewashes its history as Communist Party turns 100 - Los Angeles Times
"But decades from now...someone...would all end in tears". No. On the contrary, this will become the basis of another round of self-congratulatory hubris, "see, we Americans have such
Bernie Sanders Remembers - The Beinart Notebook
Opinion | In Biden’s Foreign Policy, What Is ‘Rules-Based Order?’ - The New York Times
Opinion | Biden’s new normal seems ominously heading toward a revival of Cold War politics - The Washington Post
The secret deportations: how Britain betrayed the Chinese men who served the country in the war | Liverpool | The Guardian
What is the Liberal International Order? | The German Marshall Fund of the United States (gmfus.org)
Does this refer to political liberalism (in opposition to authoritarianism)? Or economic liberalism (in opposition to economic nationalism or mercantilism)? Or liberalism in the sense that international relations theorists use it (in opposition to realism and other theories of international relations)?
The easy answer is that it refers to all three — because they go hand in hand
The Intellectual Foundations of the Biden Revolution (foreignpolicy.com)
Monthly Review | July-August 2021 (Volume 73, Number 3)
Monthly Review | The New Cold War on China
Monthly Review | Is China Transforming the World?
Monthly Review | China: Imperialism or Semi-Periphery?
Monthly Review | China 2020: An Introduction
Monthly Review | The Council on Foreign Relations, the Biden Team, and Key Policy Outcomes
Monthly Review | The Ideology of Late Imperialism
Monthly Review | COVID-19 and Catastrophe Capitalism
The War on History Is a War on Democracy - The New York Times
“正本清源 明理增信”涉党史辟谣榜正式发布_学党史 明真相_中国互联网联合辟谣平台
北京学者对“外宣内宣化”感担忧 警惕“讲好中国故事”被互联网情绪裹挟 | 早报
When will an objective history of China’s 1950 land reform be possible? | Andrew Batson's Blog
The Communist party at 100: is Xi Jinping’s China on the right track? | Financial Times
Beyond the End of History (chronicle.com)
end of history, populsim+china+internal (race, inequality)+covid=> wrong
 The Anglo-American history profession’s cardinal sin has been so-called “presentism,”
Misremembering the British Empire | The New Yorker
(意义不大)‘Time’s Monster’ Review: Empire of the Historians - WSJ
America: an Empire in Denial (chronicle.com)
A Man Of His Time, And Ours - NOEMA (noemamag.com)
China Has Stopped Biding Its Time - WSJ
A bipartisan U.S. consensus emerges on the scale of the threat from Beijing
The West's cultural revolution is over - UnHerd
@martyrmade on Trump supporters
US must accept its hegemony is waning, says Chinese foreign vice-minister Le Yucheng | South China Morning Post
Nikki Haley warns Republicans on China: 'If they take Taiwan, it's all over' | TheHill
美国政客妮基·黑莉:如果大陆出手收复台湾,一切就都完了 (guancha.cn)
Biden’s plan to keep China in check relies on Manila | Financial Times(菲律宾)
Biden politely reads riot act to Putin | Financial Times
The biggest challenge, though, lies in Putin’s actions, which are unpredictable by design. Biden’s overriding foreign policy goal is to rebuff an increasingly assertive China. A key element of Biden’s strategy is to frame the global stakes between the US and China (and Russia, as China’s autocratic lieutenant) in terms of democracy versus autocracy. That is all very well. But America’s friends are watching the direction of US politics with genuine trepidation. Far from banishing the forces of Trumpism, Biden’s victory has hastened their full takeover of the Republican party. To European observers, the world’s most consequential democracy vs autocracy battle may in fact be taking place within the United States.
America is back — and wants everyone to focus on China | Financial Times
The relief among European officials was visible. Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, referred to America’s president as “Dear Joe” — an endearment it would be hard to imagine being used for many of Biden’s predecessors, not just Trump. “Biden’s language and tone was everything Europeans wished for,” says Jeremy Shapiro, research director at the European Council on Foreign Relations.
“One European official told me he thinks about America in the way an amputee feels that a missing limb is still there. Will it grow back?”对美国民主的怀疑Edward Luce
Such an approach means downplaying Biden’s “democracy versus autocracy” framing. America would instead play on autocratic Russia’s anxiety about being treated as a little brother by China
Europe’s reluctance to view China with the same existential concern as America does. The continent does more trade with China than the US
Van Jackson ????? on Twitter: "Parsing Bernie's piece on China carefully, there's not one thing in it that's incorrect. https://t.co/0KjaswbGKH" / Twitter
Bernie Sanders: Don’t Start a New Cold War With China (foreignaffairs.com)
The healing of democracies starts at home | Financial Times
Joe Biden’s foreign foray is all about shoring up democracy – in the US | Henry Farrell | The Guardian
The president’s visit to Europe isn’t about trade deals but repairing US domestic politics
Anyone with such hopes is bound to be disappointed. Despite his rhetoric, Biden isn’t really interested in a return to the status quo, or in reuniting the old band of transatlanticists to tour their greatest hits. The old transatlantic relationship reflected America’s needs after the 1939-45 war. The US didn’t create Nato or shovel money at shattered European economies out of disinterested generosity, but because it wanted to strengthen allies to better face shared threats.
How Republican States Are Expanding Their Power Over Elections - The New York Times
Ashley Townshend on Twitter: "But we reject idea competition with China – the object of this cooperation – should be defined and organised in ideological ways. This reductive approach troubles many Indo-Pacific (and some European) states and risks reducing, not increasing, size of China-balancing coalition 4/" / Twitter
U.S. Military to Withdraw Hundreds of Troops, Aircraft, Antimissile Batteries From Middle East - WSJ
Low probability of China trying to seize Taiwan in near term -top U.S. general | Reuters
NATO Ramps Up Rhetoric Against China & Russia. Is Biden Leading the U.S. into a New Cold War? | Democracy Now!
White House freezes Ukraine military package that includes lethal weapons - POLITICO
Relations may be too tense for Xi-Biden talks | South China Morning Post
Germany’s Laschet warns against cold war with China | Financial Times
Noah Barkin on Twitter: "Some interesting last minute changes to the CDU/CSU election program on the subject of China: - A previous draft said Germany "must, where possible, pursue close cooperation with China". The final version says Germany "wants to, where possible, pursue cooperation with China" 1/3" / Twitter
“默克尔准接班人”拉舍特:不要与中国发生冷战,中国也是合作伙伴 (guancha.cn)
FT interview: Armin Laschet on Merkel, the Greens and fiscal rules | Financial Times
The Other Side of Angela Merkel's 16 Years as German Chancellor (foreignpolicy.com)
Angela Merkel's Model for Germany and its Limits | Foreign Affairs
金灿荣:美国现在是广发“奖状”,但不发“奖金” (guancha.cn)
Business Confidence Survey - KPMG Germany (home.kpmg)
What exactly is the American strategy on China? And why does Washington get much better press than Brussels on how the two blocs handle China? - World Game
Surprise! The EU knows how to handle China – POLITICO
“Do we need a new adversary?” With those words, Armin Laschet summed up the European response to Joe Biden’s efforts to convince Europeans to get tougher on China
Noah Barkin on Twitter: "A flurry of EU actions (taken or looming) that promise to affect China relations in profound way: - Dual-use export controls recast - Human rights sanctions regime - Anti-subsidies proposal - IPI - Supply chain due diligence - Anti-coercion instrument" / Twitter
Beijing’s hope was not to be. What surprised China is that the EU never regarded the CAI as a political agreement. Having forced Beijing to concede on key points, the bloc did not hesitate to walk over China’s most salient red lines. On March 22, the EU joined the U.K. and the U.S. in imposing sanctions aimed at Chinese officials believed to be involved in human rights violations in Xinjiang province. b/c "It is part of the EU’s political tradition to believe that politics and the economy can be insulated from each other“”
a list of undesirable...seems to have been approved by the top leadership in Zhongnanhai with little or no scrutiny
Chinese officials I talked to expressed any doubt that, on March 22, the Chinese leadership decided to kill the investment agreement with the European Union. The choice was conscious and deliberate
So it's not "outplayed", just misunderstood,
Andreas Fulda
But with CCP-led China Flag of China that is impossible. This is a major flaw in European thinking about China
China relations: how Scott Morrison got Beijing onto the G7 agenda (smh.com.au)
Speaking of threats and intimidation, Macron declared Australia was at the “forefront” of the dispute in the region and pledged to stand by Canberra’s side
The speech raised eyebrows from those listening in, including assembled press who knew Macron had told an earlier summit in Brussels that he didn’t think China was NATO’s business. But a transcript of what Macron actually said at NATO is telling. Of China, he said: “It is much larger than just the military issue. It is economic. It is strategic. It is about values. It is technological.”
The statement was probably less than Morrison and an increasingly assertive Biden had hoped for but was a big step up from just two years ago
China relations: No western alliance will save Australia (smh.com.au)
the harsh truth is that there will be no Western alliance to contain China, and no united democratic front against Beijing’s authoritarianism
Why doesn't China have allies? - Beijing Channel
澳大利亚总理莫里森:正努力避免与中国冷战,G7峰会领导人想法一致 (guancha.cn)
菅义伟谈:中国是重要邻国 构筑稳定关系极其重要|中国|菅义伟|中日关系_新浪军事
G7后改口“不会对中国构筑包围网” 日本须言行一致|菅义伟|中国|日本_新浪军事
Western powers reignite Beijing’s anger after G7 and Nato warnings | Financial Times
Berlin and Paris propose reset for EU relations with Moscow | Financial Times
Elbridge Colby on Twitter: "I'm actually genuinely pretty perplexed by what's going on here. Is this part of @POTUS Admin plan? But then how does it square w/"battle of democracies vs. authoritarians"? If not part of plan, what does German & French misalignment mean? https://t.co/IqtSKn0q1I." / Twitter
Dmitri Trenin on Twitter: "German-French initiative to invite Putin to summit with EU leaders is logical follow-up to Geneva meeting between Biden and Putin,which serves as template.Could be useful for EU-Russia relations,but is divisive within the Union itself." / Twitter
German-French overture to Putin splits EU – POLITICO
EU leaders clash over German-French push for Putin summit | Financial Times
EU leaders take hard line on Russia, rebuking Merkel and Macron – POLITICO
Chartbook Newsletter #23
Biden's China strategy: a chronology
宋鲁郑:拜登首次出访,欧洲才是赢家 (guancha.cn)
宋鲁郑:欧洲能否抓住这短暂的机会之窗? (guancha.cn)
After a Rocky 2018, Populism Is Down but Far From Out in the West - The New York Times
Biden Opens New Front in Trade War With China: Semiconductors (foreignpolicy.com)
Biden’s economic dreams get boost from corporate spending spree - POLITICO
Tight Labor Market Returns the Upper Hand to American Workers - WSJ
Retail workers are quitting for better-paying jobs - The Washington Post
The United States economy is fundamentally different than it was in February 2020 - The Washington Post
U.S. Economy Is Bouncing Back From Covid-19. Now Foreign Investors Are Rushing In. - WSJ
Spending by Americans in the top 20 percent has finally rebounded. It’s re-shaping the economy - The Washington Post
Why is inflation rising? The Post’s economics reporters explain and answer your questions. - The Washington Post
What happens to the economy when $5.2 trillion in stimulus wears off? - The Washington Post
The World Relies on One Chip Maker in Taiwan, Leaving Everyone Vulnerable - WSJ
Gradually and Then Suddenly: Explaining the Navy’s Strategic Bankruptcy - War on the Rocks
Paul Huang on Twitter: "How useful are AH-64E Apaches to Taiwan's defense? In this new paper in TW Army aviation journal an active Apache pilot acknowledged virtually all* of Chinese PLA Navy ships' AA missiles outranged Apache's Hellfire, essentially making any attack run extreme sport endeavor. https://t.co/HDslreDu3d" / Twitter
Key Climate Talks Are Headed for Trouble After G-7 Wrangling - Bloomberg
- Japan came round to setting a coal end date
- US was the one that blocked, coal, EVs target
- Italy offered tiny amount for climate finance... but the US didn't even offer a figure
China’s Foreign Policy Needs More ‘Doves’ Like Wu Jianmin – The Diplomat(2016)
Judy Asks: Is NATO Ready for China? - Carnegie Europe - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Biden and Putin Express Desire for Better Relations at Summit - The New York Times
For Biden, Europe Trip Achieved 2 Major Goals. And Then There's Putin and Russia. - The New York Times
EXCLUSIVE Pacific undersea cable project sinks after U.S. warns against Chinese bid | Reuters
Lula’s arrest is “a gift from the CIA”, mocked Lava Jato prosecutor | Brasil Wire
White House admits CIA involvement in “War on Corruption” which jailed Lula and elected Bolsonaro | Brasil Wire
U.S. Navy’s Next Generation Destroyer Program Will Build Over 80 Massive Ships to Counter China (militarywatchmagazine.com)
美媒:美军将建80多艘新型驱逐舰 设计或与伯克3相近|美军|驱逐舰|海军_新浪军事
美国海军新造舰计划 如何应对规模缩减-施洋 (guancha.cn)
The graveyard of empires calls to China | Financial Times
The Chinese entrepreneur who challenged the state and was locked up | Financial Times(孙大午)
武汉病毒研究所是否泄漏了新冠病毒? - 万维读者网博客
Soviets Once Denied a Deadly Anthrax Lab Leak. U.S. Scientists Backed the Story. - The New York Times
Opinion | Congress is investigating whether the 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan was a covid-19 superspreader event - The Washington Post
Seattle scientist digs up deleted coronavirus genetic data, adding fuel to the covid origin debate - The Washington Post
Opinion | Where Did the Coronavirus Come From? What We Already Know Is Troubling. - The New York Times
Wuhan Lab's Last–And Only–Foreign Scientist Speaks Out on Covid Origins Debate - Bloomberg
US Media Give New Respect to Lab Leak Theory—Though Evidence Is as Lacking as Ever - FAIR
The Covid Lab Leak Theory: Why a Natural Origin Story Is More Likely | The New Republic
Thomas Levenson, Z?iarchos on Twitter: "It will be some time before we realize just how badly major news media–@nytimes, @cnn, @VanityFair and many others, have handled the lab-escape story. The chain of cherry picked what-ifs has not changed much since last spring. The underlying science has not shifted. And yet..." / Twitter
Inside the risky bat-virus engineering that links America to Wuhan | MIT Technology Review
Search for Covid’s Origins Leads to China’s Wild Animal Farms—and a Big Problem - WSJ
The Debate over Origins of SARS-CoV-2 | www.caltech.edu
China vaccine efficacy: Some countries using Sinovac and Sinopharm are still seeing Covid-19 cases - CNN
无效?CNN罕见为中国疫苗“辟谣” (guancha.cn)
Strongest evidence yet suggests natural origins for Covid, say scientists (telegraph.co.uk)
Coronavirus Challenge is Xi Jinping's Biggest Yet (foreignpolicy.com)
Covid Origins Mirror SARS’s Genesis in Animals, Study Finds - Bloomberg
COVID origin: Leading scientists set out case for natural origins of COVID-19, against Wuhan lab-leak theory (theage.com.au)
Scientists Press Case Against the Covid Lab Leak Theory - The New York Times
"Unchallenged Orientalism": Why Liberals Suddenly Love the Lab Leak Theory (mintpressnews.com)
MoA - The 'Lab-Leak' Theory Is Not Of Equal Value - Promoting It Furthers The China Hawks (moonofalabama.org)
Did Business Insider Censor My Lab Leak Article? - by Alex Rubinstein - Alex Rubinstein
Delayed Wuhan Report Adds Crucial Detail to Covid Origin Puzzle - Bloomberg
The animal origin of SARS-CoV-2 | Science (sciencemag.org)
Dr. Angela Rasmussen: "Today our review of the evidence for the origins of SARS-CoV-2 graduated from a pre-print to peer-reviewed pre-proof in @CellCellPress. Can we rule out a "lab leak"? No, but if we objectively follow the evidence, it leads us away from that hypothesis"
Senior Biden officials finding that Covid lab leak theory as credible as natural origins explanation - CNNPolitics
WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the Member State Information Session on Origins
WHO chief says it was 'premature' to rule out COVID lab leak (apnews.com)
Amy Maxmen, PhD on Twitter: "Covid vaccine R&D got $22.8 billion from taxpayers in many countries, yet pharma controls the market."
Commerce Unit Went ‘Rogue,’ Senate Report Says, Targeting Chinese Americans - The New York Times
China COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker - Bridge Consulting (bridgebeijing.com)
Yes US has a point
Opinion | China’s vaccine profiteering at the U.N. is being funded by U.S. taxpayers - The Washington Post
Ned Price on Twitter: "As announced by @gavi, the United States will make approximately 25 million COVID-19 vaccines available to 49 African countries in the coming weeks as we continue to lead the global response to the pandemic. https://t.co/SZHsZayCzk" / Twitter
Jing Liang on Twitter: "1/ Thread. Comparing RWE of Sinovac and Pfizer vaccines against Delta Variant. Sinovac based on RWE in Indonesia"
david kersten: "Coincidence? The US is full of them"




barkha dutt on Twitter: "It is also the appropriate day to listen to @saadmohseni and feel his rage about the return of the Taliban and the enabling of this situation by America. "Joe Biden has no shame, no honour, no conscience on Afghanistan"- Full conversation: https://t.co/w2joVoO2L5 https://t.co/kjAHlatb9r" / Twitter