美国的社会养老保险体系充分体现了对家庭妇女的全方位照顾,这个照顾全职家庭主妇(主夫)退休的法令是承认妇女在家养儿育女对家庭和社会的贡献,是社会进步的标志。全职太太(丈夫)在经济上为社会创造的价值是准确量化的。美国著名的薪水网站Salary.com曾针对美国家庭主妇们进行了一项的正式调查显示,家庭主妇的工作量如果比照一般受薪阶级领薪水支票,每年可获得的薪水是162,581美元(Salary.com Reveals Stay-at-Home Moms are Worth $162,581 a Year)。约有540万名家庭主妇接受这次调查,当问及:每天在家中花最多时间所做的事情相较于社会上的一般工作,可以得到什么样的职称?回答是幼儿园老师、女管家、小车驾驶员、厨师、护士以及一般维修工。这就是一般全职太太所要做的工作。
For married couples, the following criteria must be met:
The individual claiming spousal benefits must be age 62 or older.
His or her spouse must be eligible to receive Social Security retirement benefits.
His or her spouse must have already filed to receive those benefits.
Unlike married couples, divorcees don’t have to wait for former spouses to file for Social Security benefits. As long as they were married 10 years and have been divorced at least two years, they can file for spousal benefits at age 62, regardless of their spouse’s filing status. However, their former spouse must also be at least age 62. As with married couples, filing for spousal benefits before full retirement age can result in a reduced monthly amount.
回复 '悠然23' 的评论 : If the divorced spouse was married and divorced more than once, and each marriage lasted the required 10 years, that person is entitled to the higher of the two benefits, but not both.