回复 '每天一讲' 的评论 : 一讲好! yes, he is also human. He makes mistakes. It is fine to criticize him when he does. But to attack him for something he didn't do is ridiculous.
老天真 发表评论于
川粉多是无知无赖之徒,他们唯一能做的就是死缠烂打,根本不顾科学和事实。说什么“We need the truth",其实就是想把他们自己编造出来的东西,强加给每一个人。
iced91030 发表评论于
好家伙,你竟然敢和川粉叫板。太敬佩老兄了。 那可是不死也要脱层皮呀。
每天一讲 发表评论于
Knowledge is wisdom ,before you criticize someone walk a mile in their shoes.
Dr. Fauci is respectable by most American, of course nobody is perfect, no one should criticize anyone without the proper facts before doing so.
Fanreninus 发表评论于
回复 'yzhang5602' 的评论 : I didn't attack you. I don't even know you. Your point is moot because you are basically telling me what to do or not to do, and saying at the same time everyone is entitled to their own opinions in a free country.
yzhang5602 发表评论于
lol, when we say nobody means we do not ( we do not speak for other people), do you understand what "so called" means? LOL you purposely omitted my words then twisted meaning then attack which are CNN's tricks. I do not deal with CNN people period! BYE BYE!!!
Fanreninus 发表评论于
回复 'yzhang5602' 的评论 : Nobody hates him?
Fanreninus 发表评论于
回复 'yzhang5602' 的评论 :
Conspiracy theories are not truths. You can repeat them a thousand times and they are still conspiracy theories.
yzhang5602 发表评论于
Nobody hates him we just need truth because so many people died!!!
yzhang5602 发表评论于
The same thing can be said to you, many so called baseless conspiracy theory became truth later on in history which is why not only we should but we must protect the freedom of speech. you can say whatever you want but to baselessly attack different opinions is dead wrong!!!:)
Fanreninus 发表评论于
回复 'yzhang5602' 的评论 : They may be opinions, but they are still ridiculous and indefensible.
yzhang5602 发表评论于
so you decide what are opinions and what are NOT? who are you??? lol. This is a confrontational county which is a good thing. grow up please!!
Fanreninus 发表评论于
回复 'yzhang5602' 的评论 : exactly, but baseless attacks on Fauci are not opinions. They are ridiculous and indefensible.
Fanreninus 发表评论于
回复 'PeonyInJuly' 的评论 : 的确如此,在美国能既反科学,又反民主真是不可思议。
Fanreninus 发表评论于
回复 'Tern' 的评论 : 是呀,到现在不仅还在点大半年前的票,甚至盼望着八月复辟。
yzhang5602 发表评论于
we believe everyone is entitled to his or her opinions, attacking different opinions as unreasonable and desperate is very wrong!!! last time I checked this is still a free county!!!! is it NOT? LOL