我跑的两个半马拉松 (Two Half Marathons I Ran Recently)

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In this post, I share with you my two half marathons experience with photos. I love running. It brings me close to nature. It also allows me inner conversation during those hours, like a meditation that calms me. If I could run for a charity and raise money for them, that is even better. I have raised over $8000 through my marathon running and triathlon for the Lukemia Soceity in the past. It was such a good feeling and life experience.

1. St Jude Children's Research Hospital Marathon 

St.Jude Children’s Research Hospital is one of the best hospital in the world for treating childhood cancer. Last December, I participated St Jude marathon two-race challenge organized by the hospital for its fund raising. I ran a 10K and a half marathon within a week. The three medals that I received are the heaviest of all by weight since I first started running marathon in 2009.

圣朱迪儿童研究医院是全球治疗儿童癌症最好的医院之一。这个月初我参加了为这个医院募捐的双项长跑比赛, 一周内跑了一个半马和一个十公里,获得了自2009年跑马以来,按份量算最重的三个奖牌,捧在手里抚摸掂量了半天,虽不像是到哪都发光的稀有金属,那份磁石劲儿,做纸镇却是非常完美。


         完美的周日是什么样子的?上午去教堂 (当然,这个教堂也可以是大自然,植物园,听鸟叫,看花开),然后,吃个丰盛的周日早午餐自助。睡一个小觉后,下午去看场电影,那种或者教人悲痛得流泪,或者逗得笑出眼泪的电影。沾满黄油的大袋玉米花要半场出来充加一次才值,经济学家们说。晚上去一个从未去过的餐馆用餐,尝几个新佳肴。那完美的周六又是什么样子的呢?睡懒觉。醒了,接着睡,再睡,睡得天昏地暗。。。反正需要做的事,都可以拖到周日。

         俺完美的周六,至少十二月五号这个周六,是怎样度过的呢?早晨七点爬起来,华氏29度。去湖边,喝凉风三个小时,吃又甜又咸的浆糊三小袋,跑 13.1迈,经历膝疼,臀疼,脚疼,然后,一瘸一拐地回来。不是十三点哈, 比十三点还多0.1迈,免得被上海人笑话。

                      【The Self-Talk of a Marathoner】

Today is December 5, the St Jude half marathon race day. It was a very cold morning, 29 degrees. I had to wear my purple Nike jacket to run the first three miles. My lips has turned purple from the cold. The night before, I checked the weather. Anticipating this would happen, I chose a purple hair scrunchie to wear in the morning, to match the would be purple lips. Half the battle of aging gracefully is to keep a unequivocal fashion sense in every possible situation, situation like this. The other half, consuming beautiful things both with eyes and mouth. Go figure.

(to be continued)

我需要沿湖跑整一圈,那是7.5迈,然后,再跑大半圈 4.5迈,加起来便是一个半马。


A few days earlier, I ran a 10K. Together with the half marathon, they make the so called St Jude two-race challenge. It was a very windy day. But I broke my 10K 1h 08m record and ended with 1h 05m for 6.2 miles.

上面Garmin根据我六个月来的训练记录,断定俺目前的身体素质相当于20岁。哈哈,忽悠啊。它还说俺按年龄和性别,属于 Top 15%, 哎吆,竟然还有比我更“疯”的啊,而且还不少呢,孤独感顿时消失。

On the second thought, maybe it is right. Not all 20 years old can run a half marathon with that speed. A Pat on the shoulder for myself.


很喜欢这几个奖牌,方正,漂亮,就像 St Jude good cause.

至于New Year resolution, Garmin 已经把目标给我订好了,很高的目标,哪个都不容易。我就争取实现其中一个吧,活着总得有个奔头儿 :)


A selfie taken from my office before Covid. I bought those water color paintings on the wall outside Musée d'Orsay. They depict different sceneries of Paris.

2. Chicago Half Marathon 

Last October, I ran the Bank of America Chicago half marathon.

今天早上参加了芝加哥马拉松,virtual experience, 跑了半马,13.1 miles, 两个小时二十六分钟完成,破了自己的5K和10K 记录 (34 minutes vs. 1:08:00),挺高兴。十二月将参加 St Jude Marathon, 跑半马,为他们的儿童癌症患者和研究募捐。

庚子年多事,祸不单行,but we have the courage to look at the virus in the eye and defeat it with the strength of human mind and perseverance, that is exactly what the marathon is about, the positive human spirit in face of adversity.


今晨天气很好,边跑边欣赏秋景,日出,很是享受,与你们分享些照片 ~~
它提醒我 在这个世界存在的每一天
                         ________ 天玉之
七点多钟的时候, 太阳升起来了, 整个世界变得暖和起来,充满了希望 
马拉松的gears, 那些小袋袋是我的干粮 ~
虽然没有破自己的半马记录 (2:08:00),但对这个还是很满意, 那是九年前的记录。这次训练的时间比较短,三个月。
VO2 max is the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during intense or maximal exercise. It is generally considered the best indicator of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. 男女标准不一样,你可以测测你的,网上有表查。
post race stretch, 必须的
天气那么好,跑完自己在湖边had a picnic, the quietest post race party I have ever had ~
也不总是汗津津的 ~~
My marathon running playlist:
Apollo road by ATB, Waiting with Dash Berlin, Ecstasy Morten Granau remix, Concrete Angel Christina Novelli, Waiting, original, Open your eyes by Aurosonic, Take me away by 4 strings, Titanium, Lay all your love on me, Heroes, Viva La Vida, Faded, Dreams by the Craberries, On a good day...
Strongly recommend Garmin 645 Music and Spotify, which makes running so enjoyable ~



笑坛旺旺的 Funny Running Style video is hilarious and must see.

