

中80後杭州工業設計師陳旻,憑藉一把竹子做的“杭州凳”,掀起了全世界對於中國傳統設計工藝的關注。著名的設計雜誌《ICON》稱他為“中國最具天賦、最懂手工藝的設計師”;倫敦設計博物館、法國蓬皮杜藝術中心都爭相收藏他的作品。 2020年,陳旻請到了設計、工藝界的翹楚,與中國許多瀕臨失傳的手工藝進行再創作,陳旻說:“中國默默無聞的匠人太多了,安靜做事情的人,理應受到更多的關注。

”Hangzhou millennial industrial designer Chen Min, with a bamboo "Hangzhou stool", brings the world's attention to traditional Chinese craft. ICON, a well-known design magazine, calls him “China's most talented designer who knows craft best”. The Design Museum in London and the Centre Pompidou in France both asked to collect his work. In 2020, Chen Min invited talents in the design and craft industry to do recreation on many China’s dying crafts. “There are too many unknown craftsmen in China, they should receive more attention for their work.”

