Waking up at 5:30, leaving cooked breakfast on the table, I opened front door, trying to find traces of rain. The pave road was dry, the parking area was dry, the cars were dry, but why did I think rain do come last night?
Yes, rain has been here, I found its traces! They were crystal waterdrops on black iron cast hand railings and leaves of Hydrangea. This Hydrangea will bloom into blue and purple flowers, the color same as the cloud of last night. From the clouds, I predicated this rain. Now, I am a meteorologist!
第一站: 开车去了那个POND. 桥头树下一只野兔迎接我,让我一喜。但塘面的情况还如前日所见的糟糕。远处的灰白色轻雾还在,但水质混浊。那烟雾但不会营造出仙境,反倒更加深了混沌感。近处没有鸭子活动,全部集中在对岸附近的水域。越过水下黑绿色的水草,向正前方那处曾经有过美景的地方望去。那段曾被几只水鸭站立过的枯木孤独地沉在水下。倒是右手边发生的一幕让我心中一笑,一只深棕色的水獭口中正衔着一段带叶枝条,露着半个头急急忙忙地向远处游去。一股腐臭气从水中弥散到空气中。
My first destination is the water fowl pond.
At the head of the boardwalk, a rabbit was standing under a big red maple tree. he/she was welcoming me, with this thought in my mind, I smiled.
The pollution in pond was still bad, steam fog at far was not as dense as I saw before, just visible. Only a month ago, this kind of scene was magically beautiful, I felt I was appreciating a fairyland and I was part of it back then.
I read an article, learned the science behind this natural phenomenon, and thought nature really a great magician! but now, the pollution ruined the power of this magician. With the polluted water, all the good feeling about the used-to-be fairyland has gone. And even worse, the pale white steam fog emphasized the cloudiness of the water.
Close to the shore where I was standing, there were no ducks. They were all gathering in far, near the other side of shore. Crossing over the dark green water weeds, my vision pinpointed that particular patch where I could see nice scenes all the time. The black log, which used to be a standing spot for a handful of ducks, now was sunk in the black green water, looked lonely. It made me think about a big house used to be a gathering place for people, now people gone, an empty house standing there, thinking about the happy time in loneness.
But my mood was cheered up when I turned my head to a different direction. From there, I saw an unique view I never saw before! There was a creature with dark brown fur in the water. With a stick covered by dense dark green leaves, it was swimming in a hurry to far. What was it? my head ran quickly. A beaver! I heard people talking about beaver, saying they are good dam builders; when you see a beaver, you will find a dam nearby. But finding beavers around your house is not a good thing, you have to let them go.
昨天出门时,遇上刚开车出门的小区邻居,一位见面总会打招呼,但一直没有多聊的美国妇人。她大约六十岁,清瘦干练,梳着南希.里根那样的短发,高矮也和电视上见到的南西差不多。她总是穿着得体,脸上也常常画着精致的淡妆。印象最深的是一次见她两颊上涂着薄薄的腮红,那是款深玫红色的腮红,很适合她的状态和年纪。她每次出门都是和她的先生一起,两人有说有笑,幸福和谐,属于情仙伴侣的那种。她摇下车窗,问我“你的书写的怎么样了?”我听了有些不好意思,有好一阵子没继续了。不过我硬着头皮说:“噢,我还在写,你要有兴趣的话,我将写好的打印出来给你看。” “好啊,好啊,我很想看。我叫JUNE. "
一对冤家, 二十年前是夫妻,如今是好朋友,相信以后还会在一起。