在刚刚结束的美国网球公开赛(US Open),来自英国、赛前世界排名仅列150位、年仅18岁的女选手 Emma Raducanu 从资格赛开始,一路过关斩将,杀进决赛,并最终击败另一位青春少女获得冠军。Raducanu 这匹黑马一黑到底,十场比赛竟然不失一局,创下数项网球公开赛记录。
第二个是署名:Elizabeth R。平时瞎忙,不怎么关注英国皇家事务,这一署名还是头一次留意到。(隐约中记起女王的另一封信。那是2008年国际金融危机发生后,她发信给英国皇家经济学会。大意是:你们这帮吃干饭的,为什么谁都没有预测到这么严重的经济危机?下不为例。但当时没有留意签名,等有空查一下,是否也是如此署名。)
So, R 代表什么?不懂就查,赶紧去万能的因特网。答案一查就有:
For starters, the "R" isn't related to a last name, if that's what you're wondering. It actually stands for "regina" which in Latin means "queen." A king would always sign his name followed by the letter "R" — but in that case, it would stand for "rex."
It's definitely not the first time Queen Elizabeth has signed letters or important documents in this manner; the British monarch has written her signature as "Elizabeth R" on guest books, official documents, and on her first-ever tweet.
regina (Latin noun), 读【re-?jē-nä】,意思是 queen。
rex (Latin noun),读 【 ?reks 】意思是 king。
2021年9月12日 (辛丑年八月初六)