如果坐实对Jan 6冲击国会暴乱的组织与参与者"全包特赦"(blanket pardon)的许诺来自川普,川普该如何罪?

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一个不具有特赦权利的国会议员,Paul Godard(R-AZ), 敢在Jan. 6 前对计划冲击国会的领导组织者许诺"全包特赦",既事后不仅特赦 Jan. 6 所犯下的罪行,且连其以往犯下的一併恶行均"打包特赦",以此鼓惑骚事者暴乱恶行,何其毒也!他这样做其一可能点头是恶人做恶事,无须老大川普点头,自己以领会川普精神而去借川普之名去散布如此谣言;其二就是在川普的受意指点下,一切按老大川普的安排出言行事。我认为"其二"可能性较大。从冲击国会最有名的"牛頭人"(也是来自亚利桑那)被收监后的表现,代理律師及本人书面的、通过媒体的求川普赦免,也许就是许诺来自川普的傍证。可惜口说无评,狡猾的川普是置知不理,从这也可以看出川普的人品。



Paul Gosar assured Jan. 6 protest organizers they would get a 'blanket pardon' while they were planning rallies: report

  • Rep. Paul Gosar offered protest organizers a "blanket pardon" to motivate them to plan rallies on Jan. 6, reported Rolling Stone.

  • Gosar told the organizers he had spoken with former President Donald Trump about the pardons, which were never realized.

  • The GOP congressman has defended US Capitol rioters before, saying they were "peaceful protestors."

GOP congressman Paul Gosar encouraged pro-Trump rally organizers to plan protests in Washington DC on January 6 by telling them they would get a "blanket pardon" for another, unrelated investigation, according to two of the protest's planners.
