Dear Accommodation review committee,
Following the issuance of Covid-19 Vaccination Mandate for all US employees, I am writing this letter requesting for accommodation in lieu of providing proof vaccination. That is to say, I will not get vaccinated at this moment. I understand that this request may be declined and my employment with the company could be terminated.
Above all, I love to work with the company. For the past years, I have been enjoying working with all the colleagues around me. I have maintained very good relationship with everyone I have interacted with. I have been heavily engaged in innovating systems that can potentially change the way we are manufacturing dangerous materials to make the process safer, more efficient, and with better product quality. I have been receiving good annual performance reviews each year, including the years that our company was in transitions with a lot of uncertainties. I have also been awarded *********** early this year for the contribution I have made. As stated here, I love my current job and I do not have intention to leave the company voluntarily.
However, I have a fundamentally disagreement regarding the newly implemented vaccination mandate policy. To be clear on this topic, I do not have objection on fully approved vaccine. In fact, with educational background in biotechnology, I firmly believe that vaccination is a great way to prevent many deadly or highly destructive diseases. However, at present time, all Covid-19 Vaccines in US market are under FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Comirnaty is the only fully approved vaccine for Covid-19. Stated by FDA, Comirnaty has the same function as Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, and these two can be interchangeable. FDA further pointed out that Comirnaty will not be available in market for the coming two years. Therefore, people who seek vaccination can be administrated with Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, which still authorized for use under EUA. Importantly, FDA published the fact sheet stating that Pfizer BioNTech vaccine and Comirnaty are legally distinct. In short, vaccine products administrated under EUA are excluded any liability due to potential damages from any entity: the government, the vaccine producer, and the vaccination providers. Whereas the adverse effect from vaccination could be as severe as death, permanent disability, ER visit or hospitalized, with no entity being responsible for the consequences.
In my view, all vaccines that are currently available (Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna) are under EUA, which from legal standpoint of view, are under clinical trial umbrella. 45 CFR 46 clearly defined that any clinical trial must obtain the written consent from participant and must be voluntarily. The federal mandate of EUA vaccines through EO or ETS is clearly violating their own rules. It is also unlawful that the government pushes unlawful mandate through private entities. The bottom line is, when an irreversible damage occurred as the result of clinic trial vaccination, there will be no liability from any entity. Whereas the safety of those clinic trial vaccines is very concerning (See appendix).
This simple question must be answered: FDA stated that the current Pfizer BioNTech vaccine is interchangeable with Comirnaty, and over 400 million doses have been administrated worldwide so far, which really means that there are existing facilities that can produce the vaccine that is equivalent to Comirnaty at scale to meet demand. Therefore, one simple solution can be that FDA just issue licenses to the current facilities to make Pfizer BioNTech vaccine the fully approved version, since they are, again claimed by FDA, interchangeable. Why FDA did not issue the licenses, and still allows the administration of Pfizer vaccine under EUA, the clinical trial one so any liability from potential injuries is shield off, while claiming the vaccine is safe? What FDA or Pfizer is hiding or afraid of?
As a personal stand, I do not consent to voluntarily participate any clinic trial of any means, including vaccination, and I do not accept the unvolunteered vaccination under EUA. I am hence requesting for accommodation in lieu of providing proof of being fully vaccinated.
Appendix: Safety concern of EUA vaccines against Covid-19
All data quoted here for US only.
Up to Oct 8, 2021, VAERS (https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/datasets.html?) has registered 640,911 cases adverse effect from vaccination. Out of all the cases, 616,204 cases have been related to Covid-19 vaccines. 55,319 cases from Johnson and Johnson vaccine usage, 291,506 from Moderna, and 268,060 from Pfizer.
CDC reported (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/index.html ) , by Oct 19,2021, 409,438,987 doses vaccine has been administered. That is, overall, 0.1565% adverse effect rate.
Down to the three vaccines available, 58.5% doses given was from Pfizer BioNTech, 37.7% from Moderna, and 3.75% was from J&J. (https://www.statista.com/statistics/1198516/covid-19-vaccinations-administered-us-by-company/ Data by Oct 17, 2021). That represents the adverse effect rates for individual vaccine to be 0.36% for J&J, 0.19% for Moderna, and 0.11% for Pfizer. Therefore from overall data Pfizer BioNTech’s vaccine has better safety record than the other two.
The reported efficacy of Pfizer vaccine was 95% efficient, based on the clinical study and based on relative risk reduction value. When it comes to absolute risk reduction value, the reported value was 0.84%, or in another value, the number needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one case of covid-19 infection was 119 (www.thelacent.com/microbe Vol 2 July 2021).
By Oct 20, 2021, the total Covid-19 death was reported to be 748,827 cases in US, and the total recovered cases to be 35,711,559. (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ ). That represents conservative recovery rate of 97.9% in US.
With that, to prevent one case of death by Covid-19, number of people needed to be vaccinated by Pfizer BioNTech vaccine will be 5667. Keep in mind that Pfizer’s vaccine requires two injects. That means 11,333 injects needed. This calculation is made based on 100% of protection from vaccination, which we know is not true. Former CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield said, on Oct 18, during an interview with Fox News, that more than 40% of the recent death due to Covid-19 in Maryland were fully vaccinated. Nevertheless, I will stay with this conservative NNV estimation. Which projects that to save 1 life from Covid-19, 12.5 cases of adverse effect will be reported.
By Oct 8, 2021, VAERS has logged 4,206 cases of death, 3,954 cases of life threatening, 3,821 cases of permanent disability, 21,355 cases of hospitalized, and 42,641 cases of emergency room visit, due to Pfizer BioNTech Covid-19 vaccination (see screenshot of the search above https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html ) in US. The set of number of serious incidences is alarming. This represents the rate of 0.0328% of serious injury as results of each injection of vaccination. In another word, to prevent one case of death, there will be 3.72 cases of serious injury, including death and permanent disability. I have never seen a vaccine has such high safety risk in the past. Keep in mind that this is only taking the instant effect into account. We just simply do not have enough time to see the long-term adverse effects. For sanity check, Pfizer BioNTech reported serious cases is about 52.1% of total cases among three vaccines, J&J 9.72%, and Moderna 38.1%. With 58.5% of total injections in US were Pfizer, 37.7% were Moderna, and 3.75% were J&J, The Pfizer vaccine has better performance in safety than the other two, while the risk is, in my view, outweigh the benefit.
Our company is claiming to be safety one company. We are heavily relying on design hazardous review and data to identify and mitigate the risks. In my daily work, I have led many of such reviews. In such review, if we identify an issue, and the solution recommended for the issue renders more risks the issue itself, I will be deeply in doubt that any review team will accept it. Same principle applies here. As a science and technology company, we married to data and facts. As the data are pointing different direction than the CDC guidance or Federal mandates, the company should stand up and educate the government, not just blindly follows. Lately, it was reported that Southwest Airline has backtracked their vaccination mandate. I am sure our company is more knowledgeable than Southwest in science and technology to make the right choice.