
打印 被阅读次数 I just wanted to let everyone here know that my sprint locked iPhone 7 that did not previously work on anything except sprint, now works on any T-Mobile carriers. This is also the same for my iPhone 6s. Sprint:1-888-211-4727

iphone6: 步骤是由home按键处卸掉螺丝,上吸盘的同时用塑料片划开周边粘胶(不可深入),缓慢将前屏往左掀起90度,同时卸掉屏幕插头盖和两插头,取下屏幕。然后由背面加热电池,寻找电池尾端的胶条,都拉出来比撬开电池容易。注意螺丝规格很多,需妥善放置以便装回。

Battery Usage/Calibration:
1. Let the phone battery run out of charge, wait until it turns off because of low battery.
2. Charge the phone fully without turning on your phone.
3. Once it is fully charged, turn it on and leave it untouched for 30 minutes.
4. Again plug in the charger and allow it to charge for another 30 minutes, don’t use it in between.
5. Once the battery is fully charged, unplug it and your battery is now calibrated.

换屏件不包括后盖、前置摄像头及其固定塑料件、环境光传感器的塑料组件、耳机和home按键,这些需要由旧屏转移。类似还有旧屏幕的 2 个边框是弱粘合的。也可考虑购买完全组装的套件。You need to transfer (3D touch panel?), home button with fingerprint sensor,front camera, ear speaker and silver metal plate from your old phone.


换屏:7+: 全拆视频,其中电池是掀开尾部黑皮,找到白胶条头抽出:   零件*  

Unlock passwd/iClouds: 

  • LOPLK3-0999E4-1208FA-C214DF-EA79A0C6
  • NHYTG-1DC60F-BGDFD-5E9CE3-13BDD309
  • POIUI3-CVSD342-VSDSA3-CDBS3442-13D309

tool: 0.8 pentalobe/1.2 philips/0.6 Y000 

iPhone 8 plus换屏: 
