4隨機應變/四星上將喬治·巴頓 (George Patton) 不太關心細節——物流對他來說過去和將來都是個謎。 他一邊走一邊即興制定戰爭計劃。 作為戰爭期間雙方機械化部隊的最佳指揮官之一,巴頓因其戰場功績而獲得四星排名。
喬治·巴頓被認為是美國歷史上最成功的戰鬥將領之一,他是第一次世界大戰中分配給坦克軍團的第一任軍官。 二戰期間,他主張採取激進的行動來完成包圍,但艾森豪威爾命令他停下來,擔心美英部隊之間的友好;他幫助盟軍在西西里島的入侵中取得勝利,並有助於將德國從納粹手中解放出來。 60 歲時在海德堡的一家陸軍醫院去世...
Patton speech in Los Angeles 1945 and death. Narrated by Ronald Reagan
"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his" - General George S. Patton
---General Patton was a pure warrior’s warrior, born for the tactical, operational, and strategic fight, and without a hint of trepidation in charging toward the sound of the guns. He was gruff, irascible, and forthright in his assessments of those above and below him. He was also a genius on the battlefield and a thorn in the side of those who fought against him. General James Mattis has a similar streak.--------
=George Patton was
1. a guy who knew what war was 2.understood why it was 3. knew how to do it right Patton was not a war lover he didn't start wars
his buisness was ending them====================