前文说到湾区登山群人数众多,年龄体力参差不齐,每次活动有人觉得不过瘾,也有人觉得吃不消。于是有些队员开始单独行动,本月初一组小分队去了大烟山。从湾区到大烟山不那么轻松,第一天几乎全花在路上。本次小分队步调一致,都是先飞到丹佛,转机至Knoxville,入住机场附近Courtyard酒店。第二天取车开往盖林堡(Gatlinburg),进入大烟山国家公园(Great Smoky Mountains National Park)的首站,也是后来几天游玩的大本营。
大烟山国家公园是游客流量最大的公园,是因为它是几大城市的“后院”,如Atlanta, Nashville, Charlotte, 再加附近(开车1到2个小时)无数中小城市如Knoxville, Birmingham, Columbia,等等,还有周围几个州围绕"山城“或水库开发的各种节日庆祝活动如Lake Rabun的 July 4th的绕(沿)湖马拉松,Boat Parade,焰火等等活动!当然,还有周围俯瞰山谷的山里豪宅销售参观活动!
Lake Rabun附近一连线穿梭在山间的六个湖,有点象”小三峡“吧。 没参加过Lake Rabun Fourth of July Celebration,有点象没去过大雾山吧? :)
还有,去大雾山,不去Nashville 的Gaylord Opryland Resort,不去听场Country Music的音乐会? 说不过去吧? :)
"Lake Rabun has a rich and unique Fourth of July celebration that is sponsored and coordinated by the Lake Rabun Association (LRA). Each year there is a wooden boat parade that follows the shore lines of the lake. Prizes are given to the most decorated boat and boat house. Another tradition is the Rabun Ramble Road Race, a 5K & 10K, that winds along the shores of the north side of the lake. The race is a marathon qualifier attracting both serious runners and families alike with over 800 participants each year. In the evening a spectacular fireworks display is given directly on the lake. Spectators watch the display from hundreds of boats crowded along the lower basin of the lake."