中午12:30才出门。艳阳照耀着大地,前些日子里持续着的恼人炽烤干燥感再度袭来。 。
I haven’t gone out for a walk until 12:30. Unexpectedly under the brillant sunshine, I am feeling the same dry and hot air as I did before hurricane Isaias which hit east coast in early Aug, caused huge damages, leaving hundreds of thousands people without power in CT. In the past more than two weeks, the weather was pretty pleasant with the highest temperature between 70 to 80F and occasionally drizzling rain. The Tropicial Storm finally ended the hot wave which had been lingering here for almost three weeks. One day, two days, three days...I have been counting, and thinking the continued pleasant days reassured my predication. Now I realize I was wrong, the hot wave is more determined, it comes back again.
I always know weather is a safe social topic for anyone. But I never knew listening the weather forecast from a meteorologist in NPR can be pleasant till this spring when I started becoming more aware of and feeling closer to the nature.
正午时分,路上几乎没人,路上只见到两个像是专门挑选在烈日下挑战自我的跑步者。林里的所见,让我心惊。才隔一日,林子像变被变了魔术似的,一下子稀梳得不成样子。林间的树木下的落叶积实成了厚垫子。 原来隐于林叶后的景象暴露出来,一览无疑得没了密秘。人类和自然如此相似,从某个年龄开始,衰老的速度便加速了。
On the road and in the park, there are few people, only two runners seem like changeling themselves by running in the fierce heat of the midday sun. Scenes in the woods are stunning: only one day, the woods has changed significantly, it gets much thinner, like being magicked. The fallen leaves on the ground in between the trees layer up like a giant bouncy cushion. All of a sudden, the ever-hidden scenes in the woods are revealed to the outsiders, the ever-existed feeling of mystery to the wood disappears. Human Being is so similar to Nature, at a particular age, the speed of aging gets accelerated.
上周人们都在热衷于讨论李同学被抓事件。我想到了英文单词HOOKER。 我想:这个词是不是由HOOK变来的, HOOK钩子,HOOKER就是放钩钩人的人。可没想到,查了一下,大吃一惊。原来HOOKER这个词源于美国内战CIVIL WAR时期, 北方联军一名叫 JOSEPH HOOKER的将军。
当时为了缓解士兵战争中的压力,HOOKER将军随军带了一支女子队伍,称为HOOKER'S GIRLS. 她们就是NIGHT LADIES。He supported this kind of capitalistic free market, 说明这在当时,大家交易都是公平的资本交易。
也听说一些国家有给WORKING GIRLS 发牌照的,但在美国,大部份州这个行业还是不合法的。想了想其中的原因,应该是:1. 公共卫生原因;2. 家庭稳定的原因;3.人口延续的原因。
读后,分清了一对单词: MORAL(道德), MORALE(风气, 情绪;)
1.Inflation problem
Now US is experiencing the worst inflation in 50 years. "it looks like a nightware, an unpleasant ex-girlfriend from 40 years ago came back again." a business professor said through NPR. Americans will face the most expensive Thanksgiving and Xmas in 50 years. what's the reasons behind it? over 50% of Americans thought it's Biden's wrong policy. like giving $2000 stimulus during the pandemic, infrastructure bill. but an expert disagree this theory. he said most of the stimulus went to savings and funds, instead of going to the consumer market. I talked about this with my friend before, and my friend said the money will go to the market right away, since the low-income families will spend the money right away instead of putting the money in bank. Really I don't know what is the truth.
但是我倒是支持基建,基建搞上去了,大家会改变交通出行方式。众人共享高铁总比人人自驾出行环保吧。想到通涨,我是个POSTIVE THINGER, 所以我想这或许也不全是坏事。美国作为全球第一消费大国,美国人总是不停地买,买,买。看看许多美国人家的车库就知道了。东西贵了,就不随便买了。衣服破了,补补再穿,女人做点针线活好。
2. Vaccine for children age from 5-11.
Now Covid-19 vaccine is avaialbe for children age from 5-11. if you are parents who have kids at this age, what will you do? the topic of vaccine hesitancy comes back again. Given the present situation, Dr. FAUCI was invited to NPR show, expressing his opinions. he said we have enough dose to accomodate the kids in this age group who want to be vaccinated. there are a lot of misinformations....