Irresistible stars John Cusack and Kate Bekinsale are drawn together and take a chance on love in the critically acclaimed romantic comedy! In the course of one magical evening, Jonathan and Sara meet unexpectedly...then part without expectation when she decides they must let fate determine if they are meant to be together. Years later, they are both engaged to others but cannot give up the dream that- despite time, distance and the obstacles that conspire to keep them apart, they will one day meet again! Also starring Jeremy Piven and Molly Shannon, in a stellar supporting cast- you're destined to agree with audiences everywhere who fell for the surprising charms of this delightful big screen romance!
Serendipity is when someone accidently finds something good. An example of serendipity is finding a twenty dollar bill in the pocket of a coat you haven't worn in awhile.
It might not have won any Oscars, but Serendipity is definitely worth watching – a thoroughly enjoyable exploration of love, fate and destiny, with incredibly watchable performances from both its leading man and leading lady.Aug 17, 2011
A serendipitous moment happens by accident, usually when you're doing something completely unrelated, like digging a hole in your yard to bury your hamster and finding a treasure chest of jewels. That's a sad but serendipitous funeral.
What's the difference between fate and serendipity?
As nouns the difference between fate and serendipity
is that fate is the presumed cause, force, principle, or divine will that predetermines events while serendipity is an unsought, unintended, and/or unexpected, but fortunate, discovery and/or learning experience that happens by accident.
If you find good things without looking for them, serendipity — unexpected good luck — has brought them to you. ... The meaning of the word, good luck in finding valuable things unintentionally, refers to the fairy tale characters who were always making discoveries through chance.
On a magical night when they are in in their 20s, Jonathan (John Cusack) meets Sara (Kate Beckinsale). He finds it love at first sight, but Sara believes in destiny. After 10 years the two -- with 3,000 miles between them -- must decide if fate wants them to be together again. When love feels like magic, it is called destiny; when destiny has a sense of humor, it is serendipity.
Whether it is love, or any of the other workings of our life, it is nice to believe that all things will work out in time, and they usually do. This movie calls it Serendipity. I found it charming, and I always like the quirky spin that Jon Cusack brings into a movie. Kate Beckinsale is a ...
The movie is good. But, being in a relationship right now and watching this movie makes me feel so mad to the characters: Sara and Jon. What they did was so unfair to their present partners. I mean, if you don't love the person wholeheartedly and you still have hang ups ...
Love this quirky movie about fate and finding your perfect mate. The funny thing they were engaged to someone else. Yet by chance they meet and instant connection . Beckinsale and Cusack are endearing and awkward in this witty romantic comedy. Of mishaps and ...