美国佬祸害世界最大的就是英制度量,记得动画片the simpsons有一只,Simpson就唱,we ruin the world by inches
Sic~semper~tyrannis 发表评论于
华氏温度和摄氏温度重合在零下40度。两者换算公式是 F = C * 9/5 + 32。若 F 和 C 都等于 -40,则等式成立。
It's all arbitrary things, metrics or English measurements. The only difference is whether most people accept it. There's nothing wrong with using Fahrenheit instead of Celsius if most people like it or are used to it. The majority of Americans are not used to the metric system, sudden conversion will cause confusion in many aspects. So yeah, without consensus from the majority population, forget about it. Fahrenheit is just fine for me, after 20+ years of living with it.