我曾经这样去感受那个被叫作 “分离”的东西
直到现在依旧感觉得到:那个黑暗的 不可战胜的,
它把原本美好的结合 再一次呈现
祭出 和 撕裂
站立在毫无防备的凝视之中 我被它包围
它呼唤着我 示意我离开
而它自己 留在原地 就像所有的女人一样
它又小又白 但也仅此而已 哦
挥手 这时几乎已经与我无关
那个场景 持续地挥手作别,让人无法理解
今天有了新的注释 —-
How I have felt that thing that's called 'to part',
and feel it still: a dark, invincible,
cruel something by which what was joined so well
is once more shown, held out, and torn apart.
In what defenceless gaze at that I've stood,
which, as it, calling to me, let me go,
stayed there, as though it were all womanhood,
yet small and white and nothing more than, oh,
waving, now already unrelated
to me, a sight, continuing wave,--scarce now
explainable: perhaps a plum-tree bough
some perchinig cuckoo's hastily vacated.
Translated by J.B. Leishman