周六9/5 /2020晴好
灌木丛园草叶稀落,只剩下一半的高度。两只蓝鹊落在绿叶上,我走近,它们便一前一后贴着绿色向远处的丛缘飞去。 经过观察,我发现蓝鹊是种警惕性很高的鸟类,很难靠近。发现了它们的这种品性,我不再为不能更近地接近它们而沮丧,只是视与它们相遇为幸运。
以前我从来不知道草场是可以被用来欣赏的,它们可以带给人美的感受。就像树林,湿地,山林,高坡那样, 草场可以营造出美丽的自然景观, 草场的美丽来自其植物随时间季节变化而发生的变化。我对草场美丽的认知是始于这个春夏,当各国人民都在经历病毒大流行,人们的心头被疾病,孤独,恐慌的阴云所笼罩时。
走在草场边的路上,我放眼草场,又是满眼的黄花GOLDENROD 。 草场一边有一条被割草机割出的道路,我是两三周前发现此路的,当一直没有落足于上。今天,被这夏末的黄色吸引着,我要踏上小路,意在看看沿途有什么新的风景。
小径上的草像是刚被割过,棕绿相间的草茬短平齐整,看着很精神,青草和野蒿混合的气味弥散在空气中。 曲径通幽,在草场中部欣赏两边的草场,又是另一番景象。此时气温接近80度,有温和的阳光和轻柔的微风。细风清阳中,一簇簇丰满而细碎的黄花左右轻摇。一步一景中,不时又有棕黄黑三色的花斑蝴蝶飞来,在黄花上起起落落,更为这草场增色不少。
In the shrub garden, the bushes got thinner and shorter. Two blue Jays are standing on the green leaves, when I try to approach them, one following the other, they fly away, land on a bush a few yards further away at the edge of the shrub. Based on my observation, blue jay is a species on high alert, they will never let you be close to them. I used to be disappointed that I couldn’t be close enough to them,but I started thinking it a luck if only I can meet them when I realized their nature.
In the reed pond, the sweet goldenrods catch my eyes. Two days ago, when I looked at them, they were greenish yellow, millet-sized buds, now they are blooming into small yellow flowers. Clusters by clusters, these dense yellow wild flowers bring me an impression of prosperously beauty.
Crossing the turf, the baseball fields , the area accommodating the playground and the skateboard trail, I hit the walking trail leading to the pastures and the woods.
There are a handful of pastures in town, some are big and some are small, some I have walked into, some I only took a few glances when I drove by. Each pasture has beauty in its way which I appreciated. But thanks to the famousness of XXX Park, which the two pastures belong to(one is located on the south exit of the woods (Exit1 on the map), the other is on North exit/entrance (Exit 2 on the map)), these two pastures are most likely much more notable than others.
I have never thought about pasture an element which can create nice landscapes deserving being appreciated in close or in far until this spring(in 2020), the time people were badly hit by Covid-19 virus, people were suffering from the illness, loneliness and panic. Like woods and wetlands, Pastures have their diverse plant ecosystem which consist of grass, weeds or low bushes. The magical beauty of pastures come from the changing of the plants when the time is changing.
After a long hash winter, a the end of March when it got warmer, on the ground, the white areas from the last a few piles of snow got smaller, people began taking off their heavy winter coats, hundreds of thousands seeds started popping out of soil. After taking the first breath in the air, they began their new journey with sunrise and sunset.
Since this late March, I started noticing the greenness on the ground where are the territories of the two pastures . I stopped for them, with the blooming of more and more wild flowers, I stopped more often.
When I look over the pasture, my eyes are welcomed by a big field of golden yellow. Again , they are from goldenrods. There is a cutting through road in the pasture. I found the road weeks ago, but never stepped on it. Today, inspired by the sweeping yellow flowers of late summer, I am going to step on it, to see if I can see something new on the way.
The road seems just being mowed one or two days ago, short, neat and energetic. The scent from green grass and artemisia are permeating in the air, the patches of brown and green grass make me think of the patterns from short interwoven carpet.
This is a winging road leading to the fairyland. Appreciating the pasture from the spot on the road is different from my previous experiences on the main road. It is about 80F with light sunshine and gentle breeze. Hundreds of strips of millet-like yellow flowers swing in the breeze, the nice view and nice weather bring me an impressively beautiful feeling.
"Since the coming of Thanksgiving and Christamas holiday seasons, we have to keep practicing cautions. There were 7000 new cases each day in the week." Dr. FAUCE said through NPR.
Last night, Biden and Chinese leader Xi has a three hours virtual meeting . Xi called Biden old friend, same as their last virtual meeting. it made me think of a show I heard last weekend on NPR radio station “ What happened to you. my friend. You seem a different person as I knew.” it was quoted from Xi during the two top leaders’ last virtual meeting. Xi was disappointed about Biden since Biden kept executing most of the policies Trump made during his presidency. on TV, on radio, everyday there are news about China. China here, China there, I feel Americans are obsessed with China now, just as they were obsessed to Russia during the Cold War. I really don't know it means good or bad, but I do believe Americans can feel the difference between China and Russia.
The worst era of Covid-19 pandemic seems over in US. most people have felt comfortable for shopping, going to work, visiting the doctors or having some social activities. But few people might know there is a new term “ long covid” which means the person who get covid, then recover from it , but start to having some new symptoms related to covid later on, these symptoms come and go, last for long time. “ conservatively speaking, if 10%, a small fraction of people may develop into the long covid complications, that will be a big burden to our health system.”
有趣的话题:昨天吃饭时,用烤箱热了一种PIE做为加菜,这种PIE中间的陷是西兰花和奶酪。儿子先看到PIE挺高兴,但一见到里面乳白菜中渗出的黑绿色,就拉下脸,问说那是什么。我说是绿菜花,他说我为什么要往奶酪里加菜,这种吃法很奇怪,他不喜欢。我说有什么奇怪的?PIZZA不是也有菜和肉混铺的吗?“你看看有几个人吃那种菜PIZZA? 揟所以人们不喜欢加拿大人。””这怎么又和加拿大扯上了“ 我问。“因为加拿大人发明了菠萝PIZZA。人们叫它夏威夷PIZZA,但其实是加拿大人发明的。”儿子理直气壮地说出了理由。“你这是不是又听了其实的孩子说的?”我问。“嗯”
过后特别查了一下谁发明了HAWAIIAN PIZZA?
答案是: Sam Panoploulos, a Greek-born Canadian, created the first Hawaiian pizza at a restaurant in Canada in 1962. 有趣。