This Is How You Get Better Sleep and Improve Your Health | Health Theory - by Tom Bilyeu
--sun exposure in the morning (weekend and non-working days)
--workout in the morning (4min tabata)
--make sleep a priority (reduce social anxiety, distraction, social media use)
--stop stressing: meditate, yoga, knowing chronic stress vs. acute stress. 45m after wake-up, cortisol is high, not to eat carb in the morning
--stop eating 3 hours before bed
1. 停止/减少晚上的剧烈运动, 10点以后不做瑜伽以外的运动。我现在经常晚上训练,会慢慢改到早上
2. 早起,早睡- 11pm-6am。 早上起来马上运动: 热身+ Tabata,拉伸,10-15 分钟完成。提神,提高一天的代谢。
3. 记录睡眠水平和身体感觉, 目标:周一到周五,80%的日子,睡得好。周末一般都睡得够
4. 控制社交媒体焦虑症:关注内心的快乐-inner joy,减少社交APP的使用
5. 探索晚上10点以后,如何放松
6. 周末与假期,早上起来运动,包括户外运动