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Authentic Orange Chicken 正宗橙汁雞 【4 Steps Authentic Orange Chicken】 :

Step 1: Cut/season/coat the chicken

Step 2: Fry the chicken

Step 3: Prepare orange chicken sauce

Step 4: Stir fry the chicken Detailed Steps:

【Step 1.1】: cut the chicken 鸡肉切小块

natural chicken breast tender 1-pound 嫩鸡胸肉 1 磅

Cut chicken breast into 1 – 1.3inch cubes 切成小块

【Step 1.2】: season the chicken 腌鸡肉

white pepper 1/4 tsp 白胡椒粉 1/4 tsp

garlic powder 1/4 tsp 大蒜粉 1/4 tsp

salt 1/2 tsp 盐 1/4 tsp

【Step 1.3】: coat the chicken 准备面糊

cornstarch 1/2 cup 玉米淀粉 1/2 杯

all-purpose flour 1/2 cup 面粉 1 1/2 杯

white pepper 1/4 tsp 白胡椒粉 1/4 tsp

egg 1 鸡蛋一只

cooking oil 1 tbsp 食用油1 tbsp

Tips: batter drops down slowly 面糊刚刚可以慢慢流动

【Step 2】: Fry the chicken 炸鸡块

temperature 330-370 F 油温

about 20 pieces at one time 一次大概炸20块

fry at least 8 - 10 mins 至少炸 8 - 10 分钟

【Step 3】: Prepare orange chicken sauce 配甜酸汁

brown sugar 1/4 cup 红糖

soy sauce 1 tbsp 酱油

orange juice 1/6 cup 橙汁

salt 1/2 tsp 盐

rice vinegar 1/8 cup (add last) 米醋最后加

* cornstarch 1 tbsp + water 3 tbsp (separate from orange sauce) 一勺玉米淀粉+3勺水

【Step 4】: Stir fry the chicken 炒鸡肉

cooking oil 1 tsp 1勺食用油

chili flakes 一小捏辣椒碎

minced garlic (2 garlic)大蒜碎

Add orange chicken sauce (made in step 3) 加入甜酸汁

Pour in the chicken 倒入炸好的鸡肉
