手工蒙特利尔贝果Montreal Bagels, 有别于其它贝果的特殊配方是什么?(图文+视频)

手工蒙特利尔贝果Montreal Bagels,为什么有别于其它贝果?特殊配方是什么?请往下看就知道了! 


Bagel Ingredients 配料:

1 ¾ cups Warm Water   1 ¾ 杯温水

2 ¼ tsp yeast  2¼茶匙酵母

4 tbsp White Sugar  4汤匙白糖

5 cups Bread/All-Purpose Flour  5杯面包/通用面粉

1 tsp salt  1茶匙盐

2 tbsp Olive Oil  2汤匙橄榄油

Honey Water Bath Ingredients  蜂蜜水浴:

Enough Water to fill a Shallow Pot  浅锅里装7分满的水

2 tbsp Honey  2汤匙蜂蜜

Topping(s) , Anything, but the most common are: 另准备一些:

White Sesame Seeds  白芝麻

Black Sesame Seeds  黑芝麻

Poppy Seeds  罂粟种子

Onion Powder  洋葱粉

Add to your own liking  根据自己的喜好添加。


1. Yeast 激活酵母

Using a stand mixer bowl (or regular large bowl if you plan on hand mixing), combine 1 ¾ cups of Warm Water, 2 ¼ teaspoons of Yeast and the 4 tablespoons of Sugar. Whisk to dissolve the Yeast and Sugar, then let the mixture rest for 10 minutes or until the Yeast Blooms/Activates.

在立式搅拌碗(或普通大碗,如果您打算用手揉面的话)中加入 1 ¾ 杯温水、2 ¼ 茶匙酵母和 4 汤匙糖,搅拌均匀,然后让混合物静置 10 分钟或直到酵母泡沫化/活化。

2. Mix 搅拌或手揉

Once the yeast has bloomed, add 5 cups of your flour of choice. Bread Flour is reccomended for this recipe, though all-purpose is also fine to use. Add 1 teaspoon of Salt and 2 tablespoons of Olive Oil (Extra Virgin reccomended). Whisk breifly to start off the dough-making process, then turn on the stand mixer (Unless you are hand-mixing, then start to whisk more aggresively) and set it to low speed. When a doughy ball BEGINS to form, set the stand mixer on medium, then let it mix for five or six minutes, or until a smooth, homogenous dough ball is created.

酵母激活后,加入 5 杯面粉 (推荐使用面包粉,当然通用的也可以),加入 1 茶匙盐和 2 汤匙橄榄油(推荐特级初榨),拌匀,打开立式搅拌机(或继续用力手揉),先设为低速, 成团后中档,搅五六分钟,或直至形成光滑、均匀的面团。

3. Kneading, Shaping and Fermentation 整形, 发酵

Put the dough ball on a well-floured surface, then begin to knead for another 5 to 6 minutes or until the dough seems very soft and supple.

Grease up a bowl big enough to fit your dough with olive oil, then set the dough inside the bowl, cover the bowl in plastic wrap and let rest for about 1 hour and 15 minutes

将面团放在撒了面粉的案板上,再揉 5 到 6 分钟,直到面团很柔软。

大碗里涂上橄榄油,将面团放入碗中,用保鲜膜盖住碗,静置约 1 小时 15 分钟

4. Before  Dough After Dough, Flat cut 第一次发酵后分割面团

After the wait, the dough should have doubled in size. if so, set it atop a clean counter and slightly flatten it. Then, divide the dough into 12 pieces, approximate in weight and size. Form each piece of dough into a small ball and let rest for another 5 minutes.

Take out a dough ball, then flatten it. Pinch the left and right sides (thirds) of the dough ball together, then roll the dough up (starting from bottom or top sides of the dough, not left or right) into a sausage shape. Repeat with all 12 of the dough balls, then let rest for another 5-10 minutes.


取出一个面球,压平,将左右两侧(三分之一)捏在一起,卷成香肠形状,同样卷好12个面团,再醒 5-10 分钟。

5. Balled Rolled into Sausages Rolled More 搓卷成面圈并第二次发酵

Take the dough sausages and roll all of them up into cylinders about 10 inches in length. Take 1 dough cylinder, then wrap the edges around your hands to form a very thin bagel shape, then squeeze down on where the 2 dough cylinder points to fuse them. Repeat for all 11 other dough cylinders.

Leave the bagels on a floured surface, surround them with plastic wrap, and wait for 1 hour where they will rest and rise during this time

取出香肠状面团,搓成约 10 英寸的长条,缠绕在手上,压一下交接处,就成了面圈,按样完成其它11个面圈,然后用保鲜膜盖住,静置,第二次发酵,大约 1 小时。

6. Honey Water Bath 蜂蜜水浴-这就是蒙特利尔贝果有别于其它贝果的步骤:

Prepare the Honey Water Bath for the Bagels by adding the 2 Tablespoons of honey to the pot of water and bring the water to a boil. Bathing the Bagels in honey water before baking them is what really sets apart these Montreal Style Bagels from their New York Counterparts, giving them a chewy texture and a sweet flavour more than a bready, crunchy one.

Once the water is brought up to a simmer, put in about 2 or 3 bagels in at a time, depending on the size of your water pot, and let them "cook" for about 45 seconds on each side. After you have "cooked" the bagels for 45 seconds on each side (1 minute 3 seconds total), scoop then out of the water bath using a spoon or tongs and put them onto a tray that contains your topping of choice. Flip the bagel(s) repeatedly until enough of your toppings are stuck to the bagel, then set them of a baking tray, and repeat this process for all 12 bagels.

准备贝果的蜂蜜水浴,将 2 汤匙蜂蜜加入一锅水中,将水烧开。在烘烤之前将贝果面圈浸泡在蜂蜜水中煮一煮,这就是蒙特利尔贝果与纽约贝果或其它贝果的不同之处,使贝果有一种耐嚼的质地和甜味,而非面包那种松脆的口感。其它贝果开水中没有加蜜糖。

水煮沸后,一次放入约 2 或 3 个贝果面圈,“煮”约 45 秒后,翻面再煮45秒,然后将面圈从水捞出,放在装有芝麻或其它配料的盘中,反复翻转,直到面圈两面都沾有足够的配料,重复完成 12 个面圈,放在烤盘上。

7. Baking and making sandwich烘烤,贝果三明治成品

Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit

Once you have finished bathing and topping the bagels, and once the oven has finished heating up, put them in the oven and let them bake for about 16 minutes

Take them out of the oven once they are sufficiently golden brown and done baking, and let them rest and cool down for 30 minutes before cutting and sampling.

将烤箱预热至 450 华氏度,把过了蜂蜜水浴,沾满芝麻或其它配料的贝果面圈放进烤箱,烤16分钟左右,或烤至金黄色,取出,冷却 30 分钟,切割,做贝果三明治,

贝果涂好奶油乳酪cream cheese,夹上熏三文鱼(滴几滴鲜柠檬汁),洋葱圈,番茄片,小刺山柑(capers)成三明治,我们同时还烤了一个Nachos墨西哥干酪辣味玉米片。开吃!!


